XIX: Invisible

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Song on the right appears later on! Invisible by Hunter Hayes! Dedicated to miaelisabeth for always voting and supporting! :)


I sulked and wandered to the game alone. Gabriel had wrestling practice and insisted that I go to this game alone after I practically begged on my knees for him to join me. I was still scared about how Maggie would react if she saw me at the game or how Dylan would react. Why did he want me to come anyway?

The game had just finished. Maggie didn’t even come to the game today. She was apparently sick. They won against the other school, whose name I don’t even know anymore, and they were now finishing with speech from the coach. The speech consisted of lots of ‘ifs’ and ‘great jobs’. I started to wonder if his lack of words was caused by the overflow of emotion or whether it was because he was making it up on the spot. After he was done, people prepared to leave but Dylan took the microphone.

“Hello everyone!” he said. Some greeted back happily. “Did everyone enjoy the dance?” Cheers sounded through the crowd. “Great! Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to sing. So don’t mind if I do that now.” He pressed a couple buttons on a portable CD player next to him until a song that I didn’t recognize came on. “This song goes out to someone who I regret losing,” he said as some people wolf whistled.

Crowded hallways are the loneliest places
For outcasts and rebels
Or anyone who just dares to be different
And you've been trying for so long
To find out where your place is
But in their narrow minds
There's no room for anyone who dares to do something different

He looked around in the crowd in search for something. When his eyes met mines, they stayed where they were. I stared right back as I listened to him sing.

Oh, but listen for a minute
Trust the one
Who's been where you are wishing all it was
Was sticks and stones
Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone
And you're not invisible
Hear me out,
There's so much more to life than what you're feeling now
Someday you'll look back on all these days
And all this pain is gonna be invisible
Oh, invisible

People eventually grew tired of the ballad and left. Most people have left now; some were still sticking around to listen to him sing.

So your confidence is quiet
To them quiet looks like weakness
But you don't have to fight it
'Cause you're strong enough to win without a war
Every heart has a rhythm
Let yours beat out so loudly
That everyone can hear it
Yeah, I promise you don't need to hide it anymore
Oh, and never be afraid of doing something different
Dare to be something more


 These labels that they give you
just 'cause they don't understand
If you look past this moment
You'll see you've got a friend
Waving a flag for who you are
And all you're gonna do
Yeah, so here's to you
And here's to anyone who's ever felt invisible

Yeah, and you're not invisible
Hear me out,
There's so much more to life than what you're feeling now
And someday you'll look back on all these days
And all this pain is gonna be invisible
It'll be invisible

His eyes were latched onto mines the whole time and the lyrics that seemed to describe everything spoke out to me. It didn’t seem like he was singing a song, but rather, he was speaking to me. I didn’t know when it happened but I was somehow standing right in front of Dylan. He continued gazing into my eyes even when the song was over and I did the same. Memories that I have tried so hard to suppress returned and I was sure that the same memories were flowing through his mind as well.

“I’m sorry, Abby,” he whispered huskily. I nodded slowly and he spoke again, “Can we start over?” To answer him, I leaned up and kissed him. I pulled back upon realization of my actions.

“Sorry I-I don’t know what came over me I just-”

“Shut up.” He planted his lips on mines to shut me up.

I pulled away, “But-”

“Shut up.” He continued the kiss and this time I obliged.

By the time we pulled away to catch our breath, most onlookers were gone and the lights of the stadium were turned off. We continued gazing into each other’s eyes as our chests rose and fell to a similar rhythm.

“I’ll take you home,” he said simply as he took my hand and led me to his car. I nodded and agreed.

“Welcome home, honey! How was- Dylan?” My mom’s face changed from a welcoming expression to a scowl. “Hi Dylan,” she said flatly.

“Dylan?” my dad asked from the kitchen. “What are you doing here?”

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Ryan,” Dylan greeted. “Sorry for coming here so abruptly.”

“Yeah,” was all my dad said in response to his apology. Then he gave me a look as if to say, ‘what is going on?’ I smiled and took Dylan’s hand.

“Uh, I, uh, came here to formally apologize for hurting Abby in the last couple of weeks. I was a di- uh being dumb,” he coughed and regained his composure. “I’m really sorry and I hope that you could accept my apology. I really am terribly sorry.”

My parents sighed. I gave them a shy smile and my dad nodded.

“If Abby forgives you and wants to start over, then I’ll allow it. But if you hurt her again, son, I’ll take your-”

“He gets it, dad,” I interject. My dad sighs again before smiling.

“Glad you guys are back together. Make her happy, son.” Dylan nodded before turning nervous again.

“Uh, Abby?”


“Does that mean… we’re together again?” he asked unsure.

“Together as in … boyfriend and girlfriend?”


“I guess…” I replied.

“You guys are so together,” my mom interjected. We flushed similar shades and gazed down at our feet.

“Another question,” Dylan said.


“Would you like to go to prom with me?” he asked while getting down on one knee and extending his hand. I gasped and my mom did the same.

“Yes,” I squeaked and he beamed with delight and pulled me into a needy hug. 


Yay! They're back together! Vote and comment! Follow for updates! Thanks for reading! 

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