XI: The 'Rents

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XI: The 'Rents

“Thanks, Dyl. I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked hopefully as Dylan dropped me off in front of my house with my belongings.

“Yeah, I’d like that,” he replied smiling. I smiled back and watched the shrinking car as it drove off. 

Fishing out my house key from my bags, I inserted it into the keyhole and turned it. Click! I pushed the door open and hauled my suitcases into the interior of my house.

“Abby!” a feminine voice shrieked from inside. “You’re back!” Arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a warm embrace.

“Hi mom! Are you and dad back already?” I asked curiously.

“Yep! Flew in yesterday. Everything went great,” she beamed. “How was your summer?”

“Great,” I said exasperatedly as the memories of the past two months filled my brain. “I’ll tell you all about it after I get settled okay?”

“Sure, honey. Take all the time you want,” my mom said whilst sending me away.

“A WHAT?” my dad yelled.

I flinched in surprise and squeaked, “A boyfriend?”

“We let you go to Philadelphia for two months and you hook up with- with a … a delinquent!”

“He’s not a delinquent dad … he was Aunt Tessa’s friend’s nephew,” I explained.

“Your aunt’s friends aren’t the best, Abby…” my mom tried.

“But it’s not her friend. It’s her friend’s nephew,” I retorted. “He’s a nice guy, mom, dad.”

“Oh yeah? Well let’s meet him,” my dad requested. I froze in place and opened and closed my mouth like a fish.

“Shouldn’t meeting the parents be saved for a later date?” I asked unsure.

“For some people yes. Not for us. I want to meet up as soon as possible, Abby,” he said in his fatherly tone.

I shrunk in my seat and nodded slowly. “I’ll ask him, dad.” Having received what he wanted, my dad nodded and continued sipping at his coffee.

Riiiiing. Riiiiing. Riiiing. “Hello?”

“Dylan?” I asked, unsure.

“That’s my name,” he replied cheekily. I giggled.

“It’s Abby.”

“Whoa! No way!” he stated sarcastically.

“Okay, okay. Serious question,” I said. “Prepare yourself.”

“Hit me.”

“My parents kinda wanna meet you.”

“They ‘kinda wanna meet me’?”


“Okay, when?”

“Wait. Aren’t you like freaked out about this?”

“Should I be?”

“I don’t know. Isn’t that what they do in the movies?”

“Well this is life, Abby. I’m not scared. Let’s do this thang,” he said. I barked out a laugh.

“Okay. How about dinner tomorrow night? Since you probably have to settle down today.”

“Sounds good. See you then.”

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