XXII: Wherever You Are

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Dedicated to BELIEBER4LIFEY for being so nice in the comments and for voting! Vote and comment! Follow for updates! Thanks for reading! 


“Hey Dylan?” I said as we snuggled on the couch. We were watching the Hunger Games at his house and were currently stuck together on the couch.

He pulled me closer so that my head was underneath his chin. “Yeah?”

“Sometimes I wonder what will happen to us after we graduate.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean we’re bound to separate and go to college after. Good things don’t last…” I snuggled closer to him and put my head to his chest.



“Where are you going to college anyway?” Dylan asked. I almost forgot to tell him. Actually, I DID forget to tell him. We were so busy with everything that it just slipped my mind.


“No way.”

“Yeah, that’s why I was saying we were going to separate sooner or later-”

“No way,” Dylan repeated.

“You could say something other than ‘no way,’ you know.” Dylan pushed me off of him and I frowned. He held me by my shoulders and examined my face. “You’re going to NYU?” I nodded. “Me. Too.”

“What?” I asked astonished. “Are you stalking me?!”

“What? No! I always wanted to go to NYU.”

“I didn’t know that,” I admitted.

“I didn’t know you applied to NYU, either,” he said. “Well, now we don’t have to separate for another four years.” I nodded and placed myself back against his chest. He chuckled at my neediness and hugged me close.

“Another four years, huh?” I sighed into his chest. “Four years with you.” I looked up at him and smiled. He returned one and kissed my forehead.

“I meant it when I said I’d be wherever you are,” he said.

“So you DID stalk me!”

“No! As much as it seems like it, I didn’t stalk you. Fate wants us together more than we do.”

“I can’t believe we’re graduating already,” I said. “It was just yesterday we were in freshman year … now we’re here.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re putting that in your speech.” Dylan gave me a discerning look.

“I did.” I was named valedictorian of our graduating class and had to deliver a speech during graduation. For now, the speech was kept a secret from Dylan. I only gave him little bits and pieces here and there.

Dylan sighed into my hair. “Please, no more lyrics. We get enough of that.”

“You can never have too many lyrics! You’re gonna hear me roar at the graduation when I deliver my speech then we’ll dance all night to the best song ever!”

“Whatever. That’s what makes you beautiful.”

“Hello fellow students, parents, and teachers. We started from the bottom, and now we’re here.” I heard Dylan groan from the seats behind me. “It was just yesterday we were in freshman year and now look at us. We’re at the top of the world right now. We can just roll our windows down and cruise.” More groans this time. Dylan wasn’t the only one. “Nothing can stop us now. Some of us came into high school like a wrecking ball while others spent their time getting to this point. But just remember guys, life just keeps getting harder. But don’t you worry, don’t you worry. We can’t stop and we won’t stop.” The whole class was groaning collectively. “Okay, okay I’ll stop. Even though we may have had some bad memories in high school, whether it was verbal abuse or physical abuse, let’s let these memories power us to go on. Whatever happened in that high school hallway, stays in that high school hallway. Whatever happened in that bathroom or locker room, stays there. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger so use those memories experiences to propel you forward, wherever you are.”



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