Chapter 3: Human Facade- Part 1

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Tom stared out the house's window. He was watching a car as it pulled up to the driveway. It was a green car.

"Tord! Matt and Edd are home!"

Tom heard crashes from the kitchen. What was Tord even doing in There?

Tord finally flew out of the kitchen.

"Are we really doing it?" He questioned.

"Yep! It's gonna be great! We're all gonna be friends."

Tord sighed. He really didn't want to do this. He wasn't exactly fond of he-who-stalks mirrors and he-who-drinks the fizzy drink. Again, brilliant naming.

Tom clapped excitedly when the door handle jiggled.

"Tom! We're hom-" Edd stopped, seeing as the blue Brit was already standing in front of the door.

"Um, hey, Tom."

Matt shoved his way through.

"Hi Tim!"



"Nevermind that!" Tom interrupted, "We have to go to the park!"

Edd put down his pack, "Uh. Why?"

"There's someone I want you guys to meet." Tom replied.

Edd inwardly groaned. "We just got back though.."

"Boo fricken hoo. We're going."

Matt squealed. "Who are we meeting?! A girl?! ... A boy??"

"A guy. Yes."

Edd smirked. "And where did you meet this guy?"

Tom glared at him "Really mature, Edd."

"What? It was a genuine question. I swear on my lucky can."

"Well, if you really want to know... I met him on the playground at school when I was little, and he only just now got the courage to talk to you." That was truth enough.

"Let's go already!" Matt was hopping from foot to foot and pulling on Edd's hoodie. "TO THE MATT-MOBILE!!"


The three friends climbed out of the car. Tom watched as Tord positioned himself behind some trees.
Tom breathed out slowly to calm his nerves. This was going to be fine. What could go wrong?


Tord gulped nervously. He had never revealed himself to anyone other than his assigned friend. He made the extra extremities on his back and head disappear and tucked his tail into the red hoodie Tom had provided him with. He watched the group of friends move closer.
  Quickly, he made himself visable.

"So, Tom. Where's this friend?" Edd brushed his hair aside.

"Behind that tree over there." Tom pointed to where Tord had poked his head out. When Tord noticed that eyes were on him, he ducked back behind the bark.

"Yeeah. He's kinda shy."  Tom tilted his head slightly.

"He's kinda cute!" Matt chirped.

Tom narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me?"

Matt didn't reply. He was already skipping ahead.

Matt peered behind the tree. "Hi new friendo-" He was met with a punch the face. "OUCH! My face!"

Tord sucked in a breath "Oo ah, I'm sorry!"

"Tord!" Tom yelled, "What the fuck?!"

//sorry for the shorter chapter BUT I keep getting hit in the face with new fanfic ideas. I need help//

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