Chapter 14: The Bugs

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//ok, ok. here's the real Chapter 14-//

Tom delve through the tunnel, his eyes stretching wide as he tried to adjust to the darkness. He hoped that this tunnel would lead to the hallway with Tord's cell. He took a deep breath of the musky air and gagged.

Giant maggot smell isn't pleasant. At all.

He continued down the narrow shaft, the only reason he wasn't running into walls because of the subtle rise of the floor as it the tunnel twisted and turned. Finally after an eternity of crawling, he spotted a light in the distance. He felt a burst of adrenaline and he crawled faster. He emerged into the open, forgetting to check the area.

"Aha!" He shouted as he jumped out of the darkness triumphantly. His excitement was choked out as he realized he was completely surrounded by none other than the giant maggots.

How lovely.

"Lame." Was all he said when he spotted the other members of the rescue party already captured and wrapped in a silky looking substance.

The bugs advanced on him rather quickly. He glanced around frantically for an escape route, but to no avail. Even the tunnel he had just came from was clogged with the squishy mass of several maggots.

"Well, crap."


//Tord's POV//

I watched as the door flung open for the umpteenth time. Another beating perhaps? They've been so frequent the past few hours, I had given up the assumption that it was a rescue party.

"Hi, Larsson!"

That voice is familiar.

Oh, no way.

I squinted my eyes, trying to see the figure in the door way.

"What? No hello for your favorite imagineer?" the voice mocked.

"B-bunny Boy?" my voice sounded weak and small.

"I would prefer you call me by my real name."

I snorted. There was no way I was going to ever show him that much respect. Never.

Bunny Boy paused, probably taking a moment to roll his eyes in exasperation.

"Well if you're gonna be that way, maybe I'll come to my senses and not help you escape."

My eyes widened at that.

"You?" I questioned, "You're going to"

I heard him sigh. "I suppose so. I mean, I don't want to, but the Council sucks so."

I raised an eyebrow, still skeptical, but what choice did I have?

"Hurry up then. These chains are uncomfortable."

He sighed again and trotted up to me. I heard the sound of metal on metal and suddenly, I was free.

I dropped to the ground, my legs weak from lack of use and abuse.

"Just fuckin perfect." I muttered under my breath, hauling myself up.

Bunny Boy was about to reply when a scream was heard from one of the upper floors.


"That sounded like Tom!-"

//this is completely unedited. suck my nuts.//



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