Chapter 18: This Is The End.

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Tom was terrified.

'Where am I? Why are there two people fighting- HOLY SHIT, IS THAT MAGIC?!'


The fighting stopped suddenly. One of the people, it had a cloak or something, turned to him.

"Ah, well. I guess the Wipe is completed." Tom could hear the smirk in whoever-this-guy-is's voice.

The other person's face had contorted into a distraught mask.

"T-Tom?" He spluttered out, moving closer to the blue clad male.

Tom flinched away from the stranger. "How do you know my name?" He demanded.

The man in red's eyes swelled in unshed tears. "Y-you don't... remember me?"

The other man scoffed. "Of course he doesn't remember you, Tord. The Mind Wipe has ran its course. You did know this was going to happen eventually, didn't you?"

Tord shook his head, making a distressed noise. He dropped to his knees in defeat.

Tom looked at the both of them in confusion. Mind Wipe?

"What's a 'mind wipe'? Is it sanitary?"

The other two looked back up at him quickly, as if they were just remembering he was there.

"Oops." The cloaked one said. "Forgot to put you to sleep." He chuckled. He waved a hand in front of Tom's face.

The brunette's eyelids drooped. He suddenly felt very tired. He yawned.

'I'll just... rest my eyes for a few... minutes....'

He was sucked into an inky, dreamless sleep.


Tord watched his love's eyes close as Tom was dragged into unconsciousness.

He felt like crying, screaming. He wanted to shake Tom awake and force memories back into his skull.

But he knew none of that would work.

The Mind Wipe is perminant, eternal even after death.

A sob forced its way up his throat. Soon, he was reduced to a crying mess on the floor.

He never even got to actually tell Tom how much he loved him.

The man frowned. "Oh, hush. It's not like he's dead."

"It feels like it." Tord choked out.

The man rolled his eyes and crouched next to the former Imaginary Friend.

"Shh, my friend. Soon you won't have to worry about your regrets."

Tord looked up with watery eyes. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean..." The man pressed his mouth next to Tord's ear. "Soon you'll be dead."

//there's an Epilogue after this//

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