Chapter 5: Exposed

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Tord was starting to get exauhsted and irritable.

Maybe it was from being visable too long? Maybe it was because he was supposed to have left Tom ages ago...

"Hey, Tord!" Edd called from upstairs, "Come help me with these blankets!"

Tord sighed, "Coming!"

He trudged up the stairs and held out his arms. It wasn't necessary since Edd just threw the blankets on his head. He flopped his hands to his sides. "Seriously?"

Edd only giggled in response. Tord swiveled on his heels and walked back downstairs. Blankets and all. When he reached the bottom, he heard a high pitched, girly scream.

"GHOST" It screeched.

Matt. Of course it was Matt.

Tord ripped the blankets off his head. "Matt! Shut it!" He snapped loudly.

Matt slapped his mouth closed, quite shocked at Tord' s reaction. Tom had peeked out of the kitchen to see what the fuss was about and now stood with a confused expression. And Edd was peering down over the stair case.

Tord felt heat rush to his face. An uncomfortable silence filled the air. Tord gulped and moved a lock of hair out of his eyes.

"S-sorry... I'm... gonna go to the bathroom." He whispered and walked away with his head down.


Tord stared at himself in the mirror.

He let his body flicker in and out of view. Taking calming breaths he said, "You made it this far. Dont.... Don't let them see."

He sat on the toilet seat, letting his tail uncoil from around his chest and put his head in on his hands. He was so tired...

He felt his eyelids droop.

Knock, knock, knock.

Tord jolted awake.

"Hey, Tord?" It was Edd. "Are you ok? You've been in there a while."

Tord, mind still foggy, got up and opened the door. "I'm fine, Edd."

Edd studied Tord' s body language, eyes traveling up and down until-

"Tord, what the hell is that?!"

Tord followed Edd' s line of sight. It led to his flicking tail.

Shit. He forgot to put it back.

He grabbed it and put it behind his back.


Edd had taken a step back.

"What... are you?!" His eyes were wide.

"I'm just Tord." Tord laughed nervously.

Edd suddenly bolted down the hall. "Tom, what the fuck is that thing?!"



The world swirled around him, leaving him in perfect darkness.

A minute passed. Two.

A spotlight came on. Tord winced at the bright light.

"Tord Larsson." A booming voice sounded. "You are long overdue."

Several more spotlights blinked on, revealing masked figures.

They all spoke in unison.

"Come home, Tord."

//I found a little WiFi!! Yaaay! Also, this chapter was fun to write. *cough* kursiv var som en drøm scene, men egentlig ikke. *cough* if you translate that you'll understand nothing but I'll give you a chocolate. 🍫// 

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