Chapter 10: Tiger Lady

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From the crowd of imagineers, a tiger masked lady watched the Court decide Tord's fate. She grimaced. She never did like the rules the higher ups decided. They completely threw all feelings out the window. Even though creatures of the Dreamscape did not fall prey to emotions as easily as humans, they still experienced them. Some, for example, Tord Larsson, experienced them more strongly than others. It wasn't fair in her opinion, that Imaginary Friends were bound so tightly to these ridiculous rules.

  The crowd surged forward, apprehending the red-cat Imaginary Friend. She drew away from them about five feet. She needed to make sure Larsson made eye contact with her. That would hopefully keep some shred of hope in his heart. Emphasis on hopefully. It's not like Tord knew this lady.

Finally, Tord glanced up. The tiger lady lifted her mask slightly, showing her vibrant green eyes, trying to convey the message of "I will save you.".

Tord, unfortunately, thought it was a look of disgust. He tore his gaze away from her and let the other imagineers whisk him off to be punished.


Back at the house, Tom, Matt, and Edd were still in shock.

One second Tord was there, Kash was bleeding out on the ground and Tom had a black, shiny bruise around his eye. The next, it was like none of it ever happened. Tom was healed and... who knows what happened to Tord and Kash.

They had just vanished. Poof! Gone.

"Wh-what just happened?" Tom broke the silence.

"Well, first Tord went on a MONSTEROUS rampage and, like, killed Kash, probably, and then you tried to stop him but he punched you and that's when he stopped and THEN suddenly both Kash and Todd- TordTodd, ToddTord- DISAPPEARED! And then you asked 'What happened' and I said-" Edd clamped a hand over Matt's mouth.

"We get it."

Tom shook his head slowly. "We could've spent that time you just wasted looking for them."

Matt pulled Edd's hand off his mouth. "You were the one who asked." He retorted.

Tom sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Whatever. Lets just try to find them."

"And how, do you suppose, do we do that?" Edd lifted an  eyebrow.

Tom's response was cut off by a blinding light filling the house. The three squeezed their eyes shut. The brightness lasted for several minutes. None of them opened their eyes until a soft voice entered their ears.

"Are you Thomas?"

Tom opened one eye. Before him stood a woman. She was much taller than him. Black, stringy hair framed the side of her face. She had a look of refined elegance. But her most striking feature was her brighter than average eyes. An unnatural green you would only see in cartoons. Atop her head rested a tiger mask.

'Is she like Kash?'Tom wondered.

The lady cleared her throat. "It would be in your best interest to answer me." She was getting impatient.

Tom nodded dumbly, unable to trust his mouth to form words. The lady's smile was taught and forced.

"Your friend, Tord, is in danger." She frowned. "The Council is putting him in the Holding Chamber where he will remain until whatever punishment they decide is put into action."

Many questions went through Tom's mind. Who was this woman? What Council? What did they want with Tord? Why punish him?

He looked over at Matt and Edd, they looked just as dumbfounded as he did.

He took a breath, those questions he had wouldn't help the situation. He looked back toward the lady. "And why are you telling us this?" He choked out.

"Because I assumed you would want to save him." She tilted her head. "Maybe I thought wrong. Oh well-"

"Wait! I never said I didn't want to save him. Just, who are you?"

The lady grinned, this time with genuine amusement.

"I am Tiga Nalo. Tord's real mother."

//oh my~ plot twist

Remember the mother unit in the first chapter? This references stuff

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