Chapter 13: I Write Fillers, Not Tragedies

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//you can kill me for using this title//

Tom, Matt, Edd, and Tiga had finally gathered in a hiding place near the Holding Chamber.

"So. What do you think of the plan?" Tiga finished off their conversation.

Tom frowned, "It'll be difficult-"

"But doable!" Edd interjected.

Matt nodded enthusiastically, although he had no idea what was going on. Tiga allowed herself a bitter smile.

"Good, very good." She stood up from her crouched position and eyed the gray wall of the Holding Chamber. It was crawling with unknown bugs that looked like giant maggots. They had left tunnels all over the wall, just big enough for a person to squeeze through. Some of these holes had been patched with materials of different colors, Tom had to admit they livened up the cold, dead outside.

Tiga gestured to one of the tunnels, "These lead to the halls inside, not the cells. Whoever goes first must be careful. Whatever they face will affect the entire mission."

Edd and Tom nodded with grim determination. Matt adjusted his orange locks and gave a thumbs up.

"So who goes first?" Edd glanced at the other three. Tom raised his hand without hesitation.
"Are you sure?"

Tom grinned, "Indefinitely."

"Indubitably!" Matt chirped, sticking his fist into the air.

This time, Tiga clamped a hand over his mouth.
He instinctively licked her hand and she pulled away.
"Ew, Matt!"

Matt stuck his nose in the air. "You should be grateful! I was nice enough to let you touch my spit!"

The other three looked at each other with exasperated expressions.

"Anyway! Back on topic, Tom, go!" Tiga shoved him out of the hiding place. "Be swift, black-eyed one!"

Tom saluted and dove into the tunnel. 


//??? POV//

I smirked, watching the group of intruders set their little plan into action.
I can't believe Nalo didn't recongnize the serinsekt, the maggot things as previously described; they're my little spies.

Also, yes. I did just speak to you. Weird things happen in the Dreamscape. One of those things involves a little window to the other side of the 4th wall.
Anyway, back to the main focus.

I pushed a button on my large desk, sounding the alarm. Of course it's a silent alarm so the little "heros" don't get notified. I stood up and strolled over to the screen that had Larsson' s cell. The former imagineer was slumped over.
Probably devoid of hope.

Perfect, it'll be easy to hide him, then.

I glanced back over at the "rescue party". Thomas had finally went into the tunnel. Good, good.
He's an easy catch.

Oh, looks like your lazy author is drawing this to a close.
Until next time, dear readers.

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