Chapter 2: Pillows

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8 years later...

Tom flopped on an old couch. He had moved in with some friends after going through a bunch of legal shit with his aunt. He finally had been able to escape. Had he had Tord's help?

Nah. Not really.

But even if Tord isn't good at interacting with physical beings, he was still great moral support.

Speaking of Tord, where is he?

Tom looked around. The house was eerily quite. His friends, Edd and Matt, were on a school trip, but that didn't explain why it was so..... silent.

"Tord?" Tom cautiously called out, "Are we uh playing hide and seek? You do know I don't like playing that anymore, right? I'm not a ki-"

He felt something grab onto his hair. He screamed.

"Ahahaha! I got you!"

Tom twisted around and glared.

"Tord, what the actual fuck?!"

"Whaat? I was just having some fun. You looked so down when those other humans left you. You see? You just can't trust people-"

"Tord, we talked about this. You need to stop being so possessive. I can tell when you try to get me to leave My new friends. You get this "I know everything" look on your face."

Tord put his hand over his chest, fienting innocence.

"Pff, I would never!" He objected.

"Yeah, sure." Tom leaned back on the couch. "You've been quite restless lately, why's that?"

Tord flew over the couch and sat on the floor in front of Tom. Bringing his knees up to his chest he said, "It's just that you've been hanging out with the purple and green humans instead of me. Do you even like me anymore?"

Tom chuckled. "Of course I still like you." He ruffled Tord' s hair. "Tell you what, let's go do something together before Matt and Edd get back."

Tord instantly brightened up. He squealed and shook Tom by the shoulders. "Let's go to the movies! There's this thing and it's like Insane Pirate something from Hell or whatever! I don't exactly remember the name, but pleeeaasse!"

Tom giggled. Tord was just like a child sometimes. "Sure. I think we can do that."

Tord jumped up. "Can we go now?! Thomas. Let's go now."

"We can't."

Tord gasped in horror "Why not?!"

"Theaters not open."

Tord folded his arms. "Stupid humans and their stupid customs."

Tom socked Tord' s arm. "Excuse me. Human. Right here."

Tord rubbed his arm. "I didn't mean you!" He picked up a magazine and whapped Tom over the back of his head.

Tom hissed and grabbed a decorative pillow off the couch. "Die puny one!" He tackled the Imaginary person, pressing the pillow into his face. Tord's screech was muffled out as he tried to knock Tom off him.

"Ge off meh, you lump!"

"What was that?"

"*Incoherent screech*"

Tom took the pillow off Tord.

He stared at his face.

"What's your problem?" Tord sputtered.

"Nothin." Tom stood. "Look at the time! The movie's gonna start."

Tord jumped up. "FINALLY!! Let's go! Before the purple and green ones get back!"

"Matt and Edd."


//eat your fluff and filler, my children. EAT IT//

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