Chapter 17: Erase

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Tord watched the cloaked man stroll casually up to him.

"It's very nice of you to join us. It's been rather boring chatting with this dull human being." The man tutted, "If you were going to break the Number One Rule, you could've found someone with a more.... 'profound' personality."

Tord scowled at that. "Are you going to talk all day, or are we going to do something more productive?"

'More productive' being Tord killing the man and taking Tom back home.

"Tsk, tsk, Tord. Patience is a virtue. But I suppose you're right. The longer we lollygag, the more things I have to erase from Thomas's mind." The man tilted his head much like a dog, and looked at Tom incredulously. "Time to initiate the Mind Wipe."

Tom jolted in his bonds, a foreign probe had entered his mind. It spread across his memories, poking and jabbing; replacing things here and there. It didn't hurt really. It was just unwelcome. It didn't belong there. And it was terrifying.
He slumped over, unable to focus on anything outwardly.

Tord screamed in rage and charged the imagineer. His attack was unplanned and clumsy. The hooded man dodged it easily, even managing to continue wiping Tom's mind.

Tord tried again, not changing his technique. The man laughed.

"Is this seriously the only battle plan you have?! Blind rage?! I swear, you've been like this since the academy!"

Tord froze for a second. This man, whoever he is, knew him before his days as an Imaginary Friend?

A sudden force hit Tord in the stomach and threw him backwards, winding him.

"Don't you know not to put your guard down in battle? You fight like a child!"

As Tord lay on the ground, gasping for breath, the man was finishing up on the Mind Wipe. Tom's face was starting to twist in confusion as some of the last memories were taken away and replaced. The time  he and Tord had together was drawing to a close.

//look at how close we are to the end *whistles* still many unanswered questions, too. I wonder what that will mean...//

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