Chapter 6: Number 1 Rule

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"Tord." A voice sounded. It was warbled and distant.

"Tord, can you hear me?"

Tord groaned, his eyelids fluttering open. When his sight came into focus, he was met with the worried voids that were Tom's eyes.


Tom visibly filled with relief.

"Guys, he's awake!"

Edd and Matt's faces showed up in his line of sight.

"Todd!" Matt squealed, "You're not dead! YAAY!"

Edd smiled. "Nice tail ya got."


Tord sat up, maybe too quickly because his forehead collided with Tom's.

"OW, FUCK!" Tom rubbed his head, grimacing.

Tord ignored him. "How do you know about my tail?! What happened?!"

"Well first.." Edd pointed at the small tail peeking out from Tord' s pants. "And secondly, you were in the bathroom for a long time, so we came to check on you. When you didn't answer our knocks, Tom broke down the door. Cuz, you locked it. And when we looked inside, you were on the floor, unconscious."

"And I explained what you are." Tom said, rubbing the newly formed bruise on his forehead.


Tord blinked.


Memories flooded back.

The masked people. Who were they? Imaginary Friends?

What did they want? He didn't break a rule that he knew of...

Tord snapped back to reality as Edd was saying, "-kinda knew something was different about you. What kind of person doesn't know what coffee is?!"

Tord giggled awkwardly. "Heh, yeah."

Tord jumped suddenly. Matt was tugging on his tail.

"STOP THAT!" He screeched pulling, the tail away. "It's rude to pull on people's tails." Tord scolded. "And it hurts like...uh.... Hell. Yeah. That."

"Like a cat!" Edd exclaimed.

Tom snorted. "A fucking cat-"

"No," Tord glared at them. "Like an imaginary friend with a tail."

Tom had a mischevious grin. "We'll see about that." He pulled out a laser pointer.

Tord stared.


Tom turned the pointer on, positioning it at the floor.

Tord' s eyes widened. "Tom. What is that?"

Tom shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe you should catch it and find out."

Tord watched the dot flick back and forth for a moment. Suddenly, he darted towards it.

Matt and Edd burst out laughing. Tom watched with an amused smile.

'Not a cat my ass.'

After fifteen minutes, Tom suddenly turned the laser off. Tord looked around frantically.

"Where'd it go?!"

Tom shrugged.

While Tord was busy searching, Tom pulled off the the red circular sticker on the body of the laser pointer. He stuck it to his forehead.

"Hey, Tord! I found it." He pointed.

Tord gingerly reached his hand out to Tom's face. He was focused completely on the sticker. He peeled it off Tom's face, puzzled.

Tom felt his face heat up.

'Now or never, Thomas.'

He grabbed Tord's face, turning it towards his own.

"Tom, what-" Tord was cut off when a pair of lips crashed into his.

Edd and Matt gasped.

Tord felt frozen.


What was he supposed to do?

His face had turned bright red.

He decided... He liked it.

Heart beating fast, he finally leaned into the kiss.

------- In The Dreamscape --------

A group of figures gathered in silence.

They waited for their leader to begin the Meeting.

A large silhouette shimmered into view.

"Friends." It began, it had a dark, rumbling voice that seemed to echo, "We gather here to discuss a very important matter."

The other figures seemed to lean in to listen.

"It seems that one of our Agents has... broken a rule."

"What rule?!" A voice sounded. The inquiring being had a rabbit mask and odd hair.

"Why, thank you for asking, Kash." The silhouette said. "He broke our number one rule."

The group all gasped at once.

"You can't mean-"

"Yes. Tord Larsson has fallen in love. With his human."

And remember Kash. He's important.
Mmmk bye.//

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