When I was younger I got scared a lot
The world seemed too huge
The unknown was terrifying
And I'd need to be reassured constantly
That it was a nice place
And so I'd sing myself a simple lullaby
"Hush now baby, don't you cry
Take a tissue and dry your eyes.
Bad things won't get you in the night,
They only go for those out of your sight.
The worst they'll do is give you a fright
I promise you, you'll be alright."
"There aren't many monsters close to us,
They go to bad places cause for them it's a must.
Places where you're hungry when you rest your head,
Places where your parents are dead,
Places where the only thing you feel is dread,
Places where everyone you know has fled."
"The monsters there will steal you away,
And you'll be in a strange world within a day.
There they'll trade you,
Change your worldview to blue.
And all your thought's they'll skew
So finally you see what's true."
"Your world has the fragility of a vase
And for you the world is a perfect place,
But outside of it in the empty space
Lie the things that have fallen from grace."
"They are the things you choose to ignore.
The dark business, the sadness, the gore/
The flaws in the facades show the rotten core,
Reality waits behind the door."
"My world is a nice place."
Letting it Flow
PoetryLatest: Abyssal: Lonely I'll be, under the sea. Collection of my thoughts, feelings and all the stuff like that put in the form of either bad poetry or bad mini-stories. Either way, read it and call me a weirdo, I always liked being called that.