-Chapter 4-

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  "Is this seat taken?" Tommy asks, carrying his plate over to the chair next to me. I smile, and help him pull out the chair, shaking my head.

  "That one is all yours," I say, watching as he takes a seat, setting his food on the table. I can't help but be amazed by Tommy. He reminds me of Paul when he was younger; so intelligent, so kindhearted.

  Tommy picks up his fork and begins eating and I do the same. I haven't eaten much the past two days. Nothing has sounded appealing, and I haven't even really felt all that hungry.

  Andrea steps into the dining room carrying a small plate covered in fruit. She sits across from me, and silently begins to eat, not even addressing Tommy or I. Some part of me feels hurt, having thought she and I had finally come to terms with where we stood. Apparently not.

  "The Government sent out a message this morning," Andrea says, acting as if speaking to us is an absolute chore. "I think you should see it Felisha. It seemed like it was for you."

  I pull out my LR-5, scrolling through the News. I finally come to the report Andrea's talking about.


  I gasp, my LR-5 slipping out of my hands, slamming against the table. Andrea jumps, groaning. She rolls her eyes.

  "Ten thousand dollars?" I ask incredulously. "That's more than they wanted for Kane... why are they so desperate to get me?"

  Andrea scoffs, throwing down a piece of fruit. She leans forward on the table, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Come on Felisha," She taunts. "Why do you think they would want you?"

  I try to formulate a reasonable explanation, but nothing makes sense. Why am I so valuable?

  Andrea growls, slamming her hands on the table. I jump, startled by her outburst. Andrea is no longer mourning, she's furious, but I know it's not just me that has her upset. "Felsha Martins, I swear... They need you because you are the key to them getting what they want. Kane will not cooperate for them if he knows they can't get to you."

  "W-what do you mean?" I ask, trying desperately to grasp her point. I notice Tommy shift uncomfortably next to me.

  "Kane knows how to take care of himself. They can question him, torture him; it won't do anything. But, if they got a hold of you, that would all be for nothing. He'd give away his life before letting them touch a hair on your pretty little head. So there it is. If they want Kane to cooperate, then they need you. You're the key to their success," Andrea says, her voice rising an octave at the end, but then she sighs, taking a deep breath, "but trust me when I say, you are also the key to Kane's success. The Year Movement's success. There's something about you the Year Movement needs Felisha. Kane saw it. I'm starting to see it too."

  "I'm lost," I admit to Paul, taking a seat on one of many toolboxes in his workshop. He stops what he's doing, wiping an oil covered hand along his jeans.

  "What's got you all confused?" He asks, leaning against the desk just to the right of me.

  "Andrea, she told me something earlier... I'm just having trouble processing it," I say, my voice tight.

  "Andrea has been saying all sorts of confusing things," Paul laughs, "you're gonna have to be more specific."

  "She said that the Government wants me because I'm their key to getting Kane to open up. Is that true?" I ask. Paul and I have had a strange bond since my arrival. Even though our conversations have been few and far between, I trust him. He will answer me honestly.

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