-Chapter 13-

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  I burst into Paul's workshop, pad of paper in hand. Paul is leaning over a workbench, tools scattered all around his feet, oil smudging his jeans. Upon my arrival, he turns around, wiping his hands on his pants. He leans against the workbench, smiling.

  I walk over, and without any words whatsoever, hand him the paper. He turns his attention to the pad, his eyes running over the words written hurriedly on the paper. He nods his head as he reads, a knowing look all over his face.

  "I can set up the broadcast for you," He says, pointing to my first bullet point.

  I take the paper back and peruse my own plan.

  Broadcast me to all, letting them know I am not only okay, but I am going to work hard to continue what Kane has started.

  Put together a crew to get Kane out of the Cells.

  "Felisha?" I look up to see that Paul has a small webcam set up on his workbench, a small green light showing that it is ready for use.

  "Now?" I ask, surprised that he doesn't want me to be somewhere else, more put together. Then again, maybe that's exactly what Paul is going for. I'm here with no makeup, my hair's a mess, and my gauze need to be changed. I'm not perfect, but I am real, and I am alive. That's all Kane's people could ask for at this point in time.

  "Now is as good a time as any," He says, shifting some of tools out of the way of the webcam. "I just need to grab a couple of things, and then we can start broadcasting."

  I sit down on an old wooden stool, feeling it sway slightly. I push my hair behind my ears, thinking about what it is I want to say. Paul is good at hacking, but I know that there is a good chance I'll be cut off by the Government once they realize what's happening. That means I need to prioritize. I need to say first and foremost that I'm alive, well, and ready to fight.

  I don't want there to be any doubts about my involvement and position in the Year Movement. I run my hands together, easing the tension in my fingers. I have so many things I want to say; so many things I need to say, and very little time. I look toward the camera, letting any last minute nerves drip away. I don't need to worry, none of the people watching will care about how dramatically I relay my message as long as it is given to them in a clear way. I imagine that Kane in next to me, hoping that his phantom presence will be enough to reassure me. If he were here, he would do all the talking, and I would sit here, hoping to be an encouragement

  Paul runs back into the room, equipment in hand. He has an LR-9 in his hands, quickly typing in information. "I'm hacking the system as we speak," He informs me, and a smile spreads his lips when he successfully breaks into their system.

  "You're on in three... two... one," Suddenly a red light is flashing on the top of the webcam, and a monitor to my left shows my face. I look tired, older than I did a couple of months ago. I swallow my worries, and stare into the webcam.

  "Hello, and good afternoon. For those of you interested, yes, I am alive, and I am working with the Year Movement. In Kane's absence, I have stepped in as the temporary leader. I cannot apologize enough for how..." My voice drifts off and I think back to the other day. I think back to the bullet ripping into my skin; the multiple deaths I am partially responsible for. "I didn't mean for anyone to die... I could never thank those brave men and women enough for helping in our cause and standing up for what they believe in. I am forever in their debt. I turn to Paul who is off screen, and note the cloudiness in his eyes. When he notices my stare, he smiles, giving me the strength to continue. "This is not the end. It is only the beginning. Please don't be afraid. The power is truly in your hands. I am only here to help and guide. Without all of you, we have no rebellion, and with no rebellion we have no hope."

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