-Chapter 24-

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  "I like this one," Andrea says. "If I have to use it, this will be the perfect UCP for me."

  I no longer need a UCP, but the others may still need theirs depending on how everything goes down. And I would hate for all of Paul's work to go to waste.

  "You know," Andrea says, taking a seat amongst the papers scattered across Paul's table, "I'm trying to be optimistic about all of this, but I can't help but feel like I'm making a big mistake agreeing to let you do this. Kane won't forgive me if they hurt you or worse... I just don't feel right about this."

  "It's not going to feel right," I say, sitting next to her, my knee bumping against hers. "At this point, nothing is going to feel right. We just have to keep moving forward. And Andrea, if that means something has to happen, if something has to happen to me, it's okay. It really is okay."

  "Not to him," Andrea's tone goes suddenly dark, harsh, and her words cut through my reserve. I may not need to come back for myself, but I know I need to do everything in my power to come back for Kane.

  "It's not a guarantee," I remind her, even though I know she isn't in need of my reminder.

  "Just promise to not be reckless," She requests, giving me a knowing look. I know that she's concerned about my well being, but more than that she's worried about Kane.

  "Well, we better go talk to Paul and anyone else who's going tomorrow," I say, still in disbelief that tomorrow is the day we've been planning for weeks now. It's surreal to me that the time is finally here. Tomorrow, I will see Kane. That thought alone drives me to want to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow, and that all loose ends are taken care of.

  Andrea and I take our time walking down to the dining room. I think through some things I need to share with the guys who plan on going with us tomorrow. Paul, Andrew, and Ben have all agreed to go. I think back to when we went to get Charlie out of his Cell. That feels like a lifetime ago.

  "Andrew and Paul have been talking all morning, getting all the tech figured out, mapping out our route," Andrea says. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing new," I say, smiling, my grin lacking any amusement, "just a lot of memories."

  Andrea nods, rubbing her hands over her arms, seeming anxious. She slows slightly as we reach the dining room, taking a deep breath before walking in and taking a seat at the already full table.

  Ben and Paul.

  Andrew and Mrs. Porter.

  There are five other guys seated around the table, that I realize, suddenly embarrassed, I have never spoken to them during my time here.

  They introduce themselves. Logan, Noah, Graham, Stan, and Chris. They all express their sympathy, and pledge to bring Kane back home, knowing that in agreeing to go with us, this is their duty. If I had the choice, I would go in alone, and risk only my life, but I know I can't. I can't go alone, mainly because I may not be leaving.

  "I wanted to inform you all that I added something to the UCPs," Paul says, grinning. He stands, pushing a UCP behind my ear, then presses against the one on his own ear. He runs into the hallway. We all turn to see what he's doing, but suddenly I hear his voice right by my ear. "Pretty cool, huh?"

  He comes back in the room, and takes a seat. " I thought it would be nice for us to have a way to communicate. This doesn't look suspicious either, unless you get caught talking to yourself," Paul laughs, and the guys join in, grinning.

  "It's perfect, thank you Paul."

  "Now, in terms of who's going in tomorrow," Paul says. "Felisha, do you want to clarify for everyone what the plan is?"

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