-Chapter 8-

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  Mrs. Porter comes back into the living room, having left us for a good twenty minutes. She smiles, handing each of us what appears to be a UCP. Once it's in my hand, I look at it more closely, verifying my suspicion. "What are these for?" Andrea asks, hesitantly applying the tech to the skin behind her ear.

  "I thought it'd be beneficial if we got out for the day, took a trip into town," Mrs. Porter says. My heart races at the thought. How safe is that? I let my mind wander. Of course the UCPs cover up our appearances, but it isn't foolproof. Anything could happen. Despite the warning churning in my gut, I smile, pressing the UCP to my skin.

  "I think it's a great idea," I admit, shoving my doubts deep aside. I trust Mrs. Porter, maybe even more than I should considering how long I've known her. "What do you think?" I ask, turning to Andrea and Anya. Both nod, although Andrea's is more hesitant.

  "I say we meet up outside in about ten minutes, then head out," Mrs. Porter says, smiling widely.

  "I'll just go drop Amelia off with someone and meet you all outside," I say, returning Mrs. Porter's smile.

  We meet outside about fifteen minutes later, UCPs activated. I look at the women around me, marveling at the technology Paul has created. I have on a black blouse, blue jeans, and white sneakers. My hair is pinned up into a bun, and a silver necklace hangs loosely around my neck.

  Anya and Andrea look like they could be sisters, both sporting blonde hair, blue eyes, and elegantly tan skin. Anya appears to be taller, and her figure is more of an hourglass than Andrea's. Mrs. Porter looks elegant, her hair a dark brown, her blouse covered in beautiful embroidery.

  "I think we're ready," Mrs. Porter says, her voice lower than usual. "Let's go."

  I can't stop looking around at everything that has changed since I was in town a couple of days ago. Government Agents are lined up along every building, guns holstered at their sides. People seem to be walking quicker, their fear palpable in the air. Beggars aren't sitting out on the corners like usual, the streets looking much like I imagine the Government would like them to. And then there's the videos playing on the screens on the sides of buildings.

  Kane's face flits from screen to screen, his hearing date in bold below his picture. Videos of his encounter with the old man play on many of the screens, although the footage has been altered to make Kane seem weak and bring forth an imaginary feeling of strength to the old man. I shiver, watching the falsified footage.

  Mrs. Porter puts her hand on my shoulder, turning me away from the flashing screens. We head into a little shop, a small bell signaling our arrival.

  "Welcome!" An older man steps out from behind the front counter, his mustache twitching with a smile. "It has been a slow business day. How may I help you?"

  "We just came to look around," Andrea discloses, batting her long eyelashes. The man seems unimpressed, going back to the counter. I look around the small shop, taking in the gimmicky items scattered around. Pictures of the Government Leader, figurines of Government Agents. The idea of small children looking up to those monsters makes me sick.

  "Those are on sale today," The man behind the counter says, noticing my stare. "Two for the price of one."

  I sigh, stepping away from the display, my need to knock it over increasing the more I look at it.

  "I was actually hoping to browse your--"

  "Dress selection," Mrs. Porter interrupts, nodding at a dress rack at the back of the store, furthest away from the Government memorabilia. I nod, as the man sends me an uncertain look.

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