-Chapter 10-

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  "Felisha," I hear the voice again, reaching for the device I have dropped. I shakily bring the LR-5 back up to my ear in disbelief.

  "I'm here," I whisper into the microphone, my heart racing. "Kane, is that you?"

  I hear a sigh, then a chuckle. "Yeah, it's me."

  I take a seat on my bed, feeling lightheaded. I take a second, not saying a word, just letting this sink in. Kane is on the other side of this call.

  "How are you?" Kane asks, his tone desperate for an answer. "I've been worried sick."

  "I'm fine," I whisper, still in shock. Kane breathes a sigh of relief, and I can almost see his shoulders relaxing, his brow no longer furrowed. "How are you?" I ask, hoping my question isn't as stupid as it feels. I can only imagine what he is going through.

  "I've been better," He chuckles, the normally contagious laugh sounding forced, "but you don't need to worry about me. How's mom? Is Anya still around?"

  "Yes," I answer simply, still unsure of what to say.

  "I miss them," Kane sighs, "and I miss you."

  "I miss you too," I choke on my tears, covering my mouth with a shaky hand.

  "Fel," Kane's voice wavers as if he is holding back tears as well. "We'll see each other soon. We will, I know it."

  I nod, even though he can't see the action.

  "Your mom," I start, talking through the tears, "she put me in charge. I'm such a failure. Everyone is so supportive, but I'm nothing like you. You're the perfect leader... I'm not."

  "I'm far from the perfect leader," Kane sighs, "but you aren't. I harp on you a lot, but I know you're capable. I trust you with my Year Movement more than I trust myself," Kane's voice deepens as he continues, "I just don't trust my Year Movement with you. I'm scared senseless that something will happen and you'll get hurt... Fel, I've never been so scared in my life."

  "You're scared for my sake?" I question. "Kane I'm with the Year Movement. I'm safe. I have a good place to sleep, more food than I know what to do with, and plenty of people around to help me. You... you have nothing, and you're worried about me?"

  I hear Kane clear his throat, sniffing. "Always."

  My heart stalls in my chest. Kane's selflessness shows through with a brilliance comparable to the sun.

  "What did I do to deserve you?" I whisper into the LR-5. Kane is silent for a long time before speaking up again.

  "Felisha, we don't have much time before someone comes to check on me. Don't be afraid to utilize Andrea. She's stubborn, but she'll be your second greatest strength."

  "What's my first?"

  "You," Kane answers simply. "Listen to yourself. You know what you're doing. Stay safe... I miss you. Keep your chin up, this'll all be behind us soon."

  "I hope so," I whisper as our connection ends.

  "How was he? What did he tell you?" Mrs. Porter asks, her cheeks still wet with tears. I pull her in for another hug, rubbing her back to ease her sobs. I immediately rushed to tell Mrs. Porter about my conversation with Kane the second the connection dropped.

  "He seemed as well as can be expected," I admitted, not wanting to worry her, but also not hoping to keep anything from her. She had every right to know about her son's current situation.

  "I wish I had been there," Mrs. Porter says, an edge of greed lacing into her words. She seems to realize how her statement sounds, and her face softens, "but it's okay that I wasn't. You were there. That's what truly matters."

  "I only wish we could have shared the experience," I whisper. Mrs. Porter smiles sadly, her body language giving away more than I can tell she'd like.

  "You've got to be kidding me!" Andrea exclaims waltzing into the room. "Is it true? He contacted you?"

  I nod my head uncertainly, unsure how Andrea is going to react. Her jaw tightens, and her hands coil into the fists at her side, but she sighs, biting her tongue. "That's great," She says, and I notice the lack of sarcasm in her voice. She's being completely serious.

  "He wishes us all the best, and hopes to see us soon," I relay, feeling even more guilty than before. My false smile falls, and a frown captures my lips. "We need to plan our next course of action very carefully."

  "We need to plan it period. Nothing has been drawn out. There's no blueprint, no action. We are sitting here doing absolutely nothing, in a time when we should be doing everything," Andrea complains, and I can't say that I blame her. I have felt like we have been standing still ever since Kane was taken. Our riots have all ceased. Our drive to move in on the Government has withered away to nothing.

  "Andrea," I say, and Andrea turns to face me, "What do you think we should do? What's our next move?"

  "That's your choice, Felisha," She says quietly.

  "I'm making it yours. What's our next move?" I ask, my tone colder than I had meant.

  "I think we need to start a riot, somewhere near the Government mansion, but you can't go. Kane wouldn't allow it," Andrea says, taking more control than I have offered her. She seems to realize the boundary she has overstepped and snaps her mouth shut, waiting for me to rebuke her. I stay silent, nodding my head.

  "You're right," I say. "I should stay behind. It is much safer that way."

  If Andrea is surprised, she doesn't show it, but deep down I can feel her doubt forming like a cool breeze around us. She doesn't believe me. Her eyebrows knit together, and her jaw twitches.

  "Two days from now," Andrea says quietly. "I'll lead the riot two days from now."

  I pull on a bathrobe that I found in my closet, savoring the silky feeling against my skin. I step into the bathroom, listening to the sound of running water as is trickles into the bathtub to my right. I step in front of the vanity, pulling my hair out of its hair tie, watching it fall around my shoulders.

  I shrug off the bathrobe, stepping closer to the tub. I breathe in the scent of the lavender soap I added to the water, and slip my foot, then my leg into the foamy heat. I sink into the hot water, loving the feeling against my cool skin, taking in the relief coming from my stiff muscles.

  I think back to my conversation with Andrea, and feel my heart sink. She knows I'm lying to her, yet she hasn't said or done anything to stop me, and we're leaving in two days. My pulse picks up, just thinking about being out on the streets, protesting something I truly believe in. Something tells me it will be violent, I can only imagine the Agents will make an appearance, but it will be effective. I don't want anyone to get hurt, which is why I'm going. If things get out of hand... I don't want to think too much about my plan. Andrea would kill me if she knew.

  I think about Kane, about the possibility of seeing him soon. I let my mind wander to that, to having Kane back. My lips form into a smile.

  Soon Kane will be back, and everything will return to normal.  

A/N~ Guys I'm so sorry for the late post!! This has been a crazy week :(

Feel free to leave some questions for me and your fellow readers :)

I will be posting as normal, even after this delay, no worries. Love you guys! See you next time!- Sarah <3

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