-Chapter 21-

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  "You're kidding," Paul says, his eyes ablaze as he looks over the tab now open in front of him. Code fills the screen, waiting for Paul to alter it. "Where did you say you got the password?"

  I point to the tablet sitting on the table, smiling sheepishly. I hate admitting that I had to sneak around to find the information. But, I think the outcome was worth it.

  "And someone just sent the password through?" He asks, confused. I nod, just as awestruck as he is. No matter how many times I try to make sense of it, nothing makes any sense. Who would have that code that would be willing to send it to us? And moreover, why would they send it to us? "I don't get it. I couldn't even tell you who this is. I have no idea who sent this," Paul says, completely incredulous.

  He hands me back the LR-9, and I again skim over the brief message that was sent to this device less than an hour ago. "Who would have access to this information?" I ask, rereading the password. FAPCK52218, the password that has opened up a pathway for us to save my brother.

  "I wish I could tell you," Paul says, shaking his head. "All I know is this password is the start we needed. Now, looking at this code, there are many fail safes that have been implemented, and I don't have access to everything, but it's a start."

  "What do you have access to?" I ask, wondering what this means for Paul. How much longer will he have to wait to be free?

  "Not as much as I would like," Paul admits. "Mainly I have access to other password blocked code. It's like a box inside of a box. There's a good chance we still have a couple days at least before I can fully break through."

  I think about what this means. I need for the code to be broken and changed, if not removed before we go to get Kane. I can't cross the Government when they have this control over Paul. What would they do? Would they harm him, torture him... kill him? I hope that I don't have to find out.

  "Aim lower this time," Andrew's voice is gentle, and his patience with me this afternoon has been greatly appreciated. I asked Andrew to help me train more for the upcoming event. While I have some experience with a gun, I know I fall very short in relation to those the Government has trained. "You hit the shoulder on that one."

  Paul showed me today an arms room that Kane has just below headquarters, hidden in conjunction with the bunker. There're all sorts of weapons that I couldn't bring myself to ever use, and others I am very familiar with. There's even a shelf dedicated to tasers. I laughed a bit when I saw them, remembering my first encounter with Kane.

  I set my gun down, and walk over to a table off in the corner, surveying the different weapons Andrew has introduced me to. My hand falls to a Glock, and I roll it over in my hand. I don't like holding a gun, and mainly, I don't like what it means to use one. "That's a good choice," Andrew says "a Glock 26."

  "Does it ever bother you?" I ask, knowing I'm treading on sensitive ground. "Does it ever bother you how much you know about weapons?"

  Andrew sighs, taking a seat next to me. "Of course," He says, his eyes dark, "I wish that I didn't. I only know them so well because I've had to use them all. That's the hardest part."

  "What kind of things has the Government made you do?" I ask, fairly sure I won't get an answer.

  Andrew's shoulders tense, and he swallows, setting his jaw. "Felisha, I've had to do things no one should ever have to do. In times of combat... a child is a threat. A wife is a threat. An old man is a threat." Andrew stops, shaking his head. "I've taken lives of those who deserved to live. I can't ever forgive myself for that."

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