-Chapter 18-

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  Paul walks into the dining room, his hair a mess, his eyes bloodshot as though he hasn't slept in days. I think of all I've asked of him the past week and I feel responsible, knowing he probably has had numerous sleepless nights for my sake. He takes a seat next to me, letting out a long sigh, grabbing an apple from the basket in the middle of the table.

   "I completed three more Agent UCPs. All of them are one-hundred-percent accurate, and each appears as a different Agent," Although Paul sounds tired, there is a hint of excitement in his voice at his accomplishments. I smile, eating another spoonful of cereal.

   "Who all will go into the Cells?" Anya asks, surprising me. I haven't really thought too much about it. If I could do it alone, I would. That way I don't have to worry about anyone but myself, but in reality I can't be the only one.

   "For sure Felisha and I," Paul says, and I smile, thankful he's on board. "I'm sure some of the guys will want to go too."

  Anya's eyes slide over to Andrea as she walks into the room, her arms crossed over her chest. "What about Andrea?"

  Paul frowns and turns to look at Andrea, taking a bite of his apple, shrugging his shoulders. "Probably."

   "She'll insist," I counter. Paul's gaze slips over to me and he nods, but he doesn't seem to change his resolve. I know that Andrea doesn't trust Paul, but I hadn't thought of the possibility that Paul may not fully trust Andrea. She's very emotionally driven, which on our upcoming mission is the last thing we need. I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing I need to think long and hard about how I myself will approach this escapade. I need to be conscientious of my actions moving forward.

   Everyone is watching me, waiting to see what I do; waiting to see if I can succeed. Paul knows that, and that's why he's agreed to help me. He wants to make sure that I meet my goals, and in turn help the Year Movement. I admire him for it.

   I just hope that I can make everyone proud.

   I walk from my living room into my bedroom, careful to be quiet, knowing Amelia is taking her nap. I walk to the small bookshelf in the corner, and grab the book my brother lent me; the one I never got the chance to return. I trace my fingers over the lettering on the front cover. Arthur Porter.

   I wish I could have met Mr. Porter. If he was anything like his son, then he must have been a fine leader. I can only imagine how proud he'd be of Kane and all he's accomplished.

   I open the books and begin to read, letting myself be immersed in the writing. Kane is a natural with words, and it appears that he comes by it honestly.

   I feel the need to spread my feelings, my opinions, as we progress. The Government feeds us statistics and numbers, things we can't feel. I hope that my thoughts help you as you move forward and grow in this rebellion.

   Whether you trust me or not, trust my experiences. My thoughts, my dreams, my ambitions are my own and I do not expect you to fully agree with them, but I hope you will consider them.

   I came across some Government papers on my last visit to see the Leader. He has yet to catch onto my true intentions, and I pray he never does. As I read the papers, I came across some very helpful information that shed some light onto the shadows cast by the Leader and his Agents.

   As I always expected, the Year Rules are as frivolous as they appear. The justification currently given is the hope of a better race, and a more unified and superior people. The Government is trying to manipulate the differences in people without science or medicine or even teaching. To them, if they eliminate those who cannot pass one of their standardized tests they are bettering our society. Survival of the fittest; an attempt to perfect our country, they say. They want to eradicate those who they feel will not benefit them in the long run. They want to rip away what little humanity we still have, not caring how it affects the people they claim to care for.

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