-Chapter 22-

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  "Are you ready Anya?" I ask, peering into the bedroom. She's sitting next to Mrs. Porter on the bed that they've shared since Anya came to stay. They are leaning against each other, Mrs. Porter's arms enveloping her daughter, keeping her close.

  "A few more minutes?" Mrs. Porter asks, giving me an attempt at a smile. She's trying to stay strong, but I know she's scared. She knows every minute with her daughter is precious; she knows it better than most.

  "I'll meet you down at the car in ten," I say, nodding, closing the door behind me.

  I turn back around to see Andrew standing behind me, his arms crossed over his chest. "How're they doing?" He asks, keeping his voice quiet. I notice he's wearing another one of Kane's shirts, this one, a pale blue button down, and a pair of gray dress pants. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "They're doing as well as can be expected. I don't know what Anya's parents have in mind for future visits. I just don't want your mom to miss out on any more time with her children than she already has."

  Andrew's features harden, and he takes a full step back. I realize how what I've just said sounds, and I shake my head trying to backtrack, "Andrew, I didn't mean it like that. I meant the fact that Anya and Kane have both been taken from her."

  "I know," Andrew sighs, "I'm just a little sensitive about this subject."

  "A little?" I joke, hoping he'll relax, lighten up.

  Andrew smiles, ducking his head, "Okay, more than a little."

  The door opens behind us, and Anya is standing there, her eyes red from crying, her shoulders slumped. I wrap one arm around her, expecting Mrs. Porter to follow. "Mom's not coming," She says, leaning a little more against me, "she'd prefer to stay here."

  "If you can give me directions," Andrew says, leaning down so he's on Anya's level, "I'd be happy to drive us back to your house."

  "Take a left," Anya says, her head resting on my shoulder. I remember driving to pick her up those few weeks ago. Kane was here. Charlie was here. We were so excited to see Anya. I look out the window, watching as we move further and further into the countryside. Skyscrapers and warehouses have been exchanged for fields and farmhouses. Andrew takes us down yet another dirt road, and this time I realize exactly where we are at. I recognize Anya's house even before she points it out to Andrew.

  We pull into the driveway, and I notice that Mrs. and Mrs. Olsan are already standing out on the front porch, waiting for expectantly for their daughter. Mrs. Olsan breaks away from her husband and is already embracing Anya the second the car door opens. I feel a mix of multiple emotions. I'm happy for the Olsans, that they now have their daughter back home with them, but them having her means Mrs. Porter doesn't.

  "Thank you so much for bringing Anya back home," Cheryl says, pulling me in for a hug too.

  Gregg joins in the huddle, stealing a hug from Anya. "We want to work something out... some sort of agreement for visitation, but we would prefer to settle this all after things have settled down."

  "Mr. and Mrs. Olsan," I start, taking a deep breath, "may I speak to you in private?"

  Cheryl nods, taking my arm, and leading me back up onto the porch. Andrew stays with Anya by the car so that I can have a moment with the Olsans. We walk into their entryway, and I glance up to see the chandelier I remember from the first time I came. I remember how Kane and I came in here, hand in hand, ready for whatever was to come. Now, it's just me, and I need to be strong.

  "I just needed to talk to you a bit about Mrs. Porter," I say, wishing Kane was here to do this. I feel like it's not my place to tell them about Kane's mother. "Mrs. Porter was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. I don't want to deprive you of time with Anya, but I did want to tell you about this in hopes of some more time for Anya and Mrs. Porter to spend together."

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