-Chapter 17-

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  I pull a sweater over my head, pushing the sleeves up to my elbows. I step over toward Amelia's crib, surprised to see she's already awake, smiling up at me.

  "What are you doing up?" I ask, chuckling as I check the clock. It's only six in the morning. I fell asleep early last night, finally catching up on the sleep I have been needing and lacking.

  The talk I had with Paul yesterday has been on my mind nonstop. Something that should be so simple to promise someone is something I can no longer vow. At one time, I wouldn't have had to have thought twice about promising to stay safe. That was when my life was the most valuable possession I had, something I felt only affected me. Now I have too many responsibilities; too many ties. My life is no longer mine.

  I imagine what would happen if someone held a gun pointed at Kane's chest. Would I race forward and take the bullet? Or would I cower away, still valuing my life over that of another? A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow, keeping my emotions in check. I'd take the bullet. I'd take the bullet a hundred times if it meant Kane could be happy and everyone could finally be safe.

  Amelia looks up at me, eyes wide, her feet kicking in the air. Her innocence and natural peace soothes my weariness.

  "Stay this way, little one," I say, smiling sadly. "The world is a scary place."

  "Thank you all for meeting with me here again. I am aware our last meeting wasn't the most informational for you as investors," I address the men and women around me, doing my best to avoid Amy's gaze. After the last failed meeting, I decided it would be best to hold another to give them all the information they need, and to redeem myself. I've been licking my wounds for long enough. It's time for action. "I would also like to propose a new plan. We briefly touched on it at our last meeting, but we now have a much more solid course of action."

  I wave for Paul to join me, and he stands, already turning on his UCP. Soon, an Agent is standing in our midst, and many people recoil. Amy sits perfectly still, her eyes locked on the illusion. She's seen more Government Agents in her lifetime than I have. Her eyes grow in wonder, and I realize that Paul's work far surpasses what I had previously thought. Real fear flashes in Amy's eyes. "That is unbelievable," She breathes, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear from my place at the head of the table. "My father wouldn't even bat an eye."

  "I believe we have a fair chance of bringing Kane home at this point. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen," My words echo, repeating in my head, and I imagine Paul frowning, his face hidden under that of an Agent. Paul knows that I mean what I say. I will pay any price to bring Kane home. "I know my plan is not without flaws, but I truly believe that with your help and support we can be successful."

  "I'm willing to help," Amy says, not meeting my gaze, her eyes darting back to Paul, "but I will warn you that my father keeps close tabs on me. I can't be any more involved than I already am."

  "Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated," I say, hoping I sound genuine. I still don't trust her fully, and I can't afford to trust the wrong people. Kane's life is on the line, along with my own.

  Paul morphs back into himself, and smiles at me, obviously pleased with how this meeting has turned out in comparison to the last one where I ran out. He walks over to where I am at the head of the table, his hand resting lightly on my back.

  "We are ready to accept any and all questions you may have at this point," Paul informs everyone, his eyes are kind and inviting, but his tone is serious and intimidating.

  Amy raises her hand, and we all turn our heads to face her.

  "How do you plan to get into the Cells?" Amy's question is simple enough, but it's the way she asks it that I know my answer won't be good enough for her. She already knows how I plan to get in.

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