He was there when no one wasn't.

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Chapter 15

When the song ended Young Do offered me a ride home on his motorcycle and I gladly took it. I got on his motor and put the helmet on, I wrapped my arms around his waist with no hesitation. We went around Seoul for about 2 hours until it was 10:00 pm which meant I had to go home. We both got off and took our helmets off. "Young Do.. Thank you for making this a great night. Thanks for coming back. At least for me, my moon is back." He replied, " I couldn't wait anymore. I couldn't take seeing my star being dull and not shining as bright as she was before. I'm happy seeing you smile. As for me, I'm only a crescent moon, not a full moon yet. I don't know when I'll be the same as before to everyone else or if I even want to. I want to do it for you and maybe you only." I said, " I can wait. For now, the night sky has only one star but I hope soon more will shine.... Good night." I went up to him and kissed him while on my tip toes. He stared at me, completely shocked. I just smiled and went inside leaving him dumbfounded. That smile didn't last long. Tan was standing there with a mad look, " I told you NOT to come near HIM!!!" I closed my mouth shut there's no point in arguing if he's not going to hear me out. "Why didn't you listen to me?! You don't know what he can do to you! Ari look... I know he was your friend back then.. But he changed, he changed for the worse. You don't know who he is now. He doesn't care who it is, he just wants to get revenge on me and one of the best ways to do that is to you. He could hurt you for pete's sake!" I didn't listen and just tuned out. Once he was done, I went straight to my room ignoring his calls. I looked the door with rage inside me. I don't know who he is now? Hmmm Did he forget that Young Do was there when he wasn't? That Young Do has seen all the tears I shed and wiped them away with his hands. That he didn't let go of me until I stopped crying or went to sleep because of it? Most of all, Young Do was there to catch me when ever I fall down. He was there when I crumbled and was the first one to help me get up again. Young Do was there when no one there for me and specially when Tan didn't care. So who is Tan to say that I should stay away from from Young Do! He cares about me more than Tan does. No one can separate me from him, cause in the end, I only have him and thats enough for me. And with that, fell asleep unsure of what to feel.


I woke up late because it was a saturday. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair then went downstairs. I saw Eun Sang in the kitchen and ate breakfast with her. We had really gotten close with each other and I know her relationship with Tan and I completely have nothing against that. In fact, I'm glad that Tan doesn't really like Rachel... I mean who would? Eun Sang told me that Tan and Dad left to introduce Tan to the people of the company. I expected that they wouldn't want me to come. A lot of employees don't even know that Tan has a twin mostly because I'm not on the news much and its only at school that I'm popular. I could care less really, I bet I don't even have more than 10% shares of the company. While I was growing up, I started to realize that my dad didn't really care about me and my mom was the one who really loved me. I figured that I was pretty much useless and just an addition to a family picture. Of course it did hurt not getting love from the rest of my family but I'm slowly getting used to it. I noticed that I still had Young Do's coat from last night so I figured I'd give it back to him and I had nothing else to do so I went to Young Do's Judo practice. I'm amazed at Young Do's skills at judo and I used to watch him practice every day after school. I wonder if he's gotten better after I left. Myungsoo told me where Young Do practiced and I'm thankful for that. I parked my car and went inside the building. I went to the gym where they held match but he wasn't there. So I went to the only place I knew where there would be people. The locker room. I slowly made my way and lots of people were leaving because it was the afternoon already. It took me an hour just to get here because I got lost and the traffic was so annoying. I started searching for Young Do not worried about the people looking at me like I'm some pervert. Oh heck no. I didn't see young do leave so I think he's still inside. I was looking around when I saw someone's bare back and he was wiping himself with a towel. His back was so toned and muscular. He then turned around, six perfect abs and biceps was in my beautiful view. I was in a trance but stopped when he spoke. "Ari?" I looked up to see who it was, it. was. Young Do. I quickly closed my slightly opened mouth and blushed a bit. Wow. I never knew that this was what 3 years can do, sure back then he had a good proportioned body but now it was well developed. Sure, I'm fit even after 3 years but he's amazing! Not his body itself but his condition. "Uhmm.. Hi, I just wanted to give this to you back. Thanks for last night." I managed to say that. "That was nothing, you didn't have to drive all the way here." He said "Its no big deal, I have nothing to do anyways." I started to walk away but he shouted , "Ari wait!" I turned around, "yeah?" "Do you want to eat out with me? To catch up and things.." He asked. " sure, I guess, i have nothing else to do." We left the building after he got dressed and we took my car. I completely have no idea where we're going.

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