Olivia's sleeping now and my eyes are drooping, it's hard to keep going now Olivia's grip has loosened, I keep on slipping. 3dmg takes a lot of muscle work and I've been running nearly all day, plus my gas is running short.I think we could stop for a bit, I know a place, it's definitely hidden, out of view that would be perfect for tonight, just tonight though I don't want to push my luck.
Switching direction and onwards to the left.
Here we are,
"Come on, time to get up now, we are resting here tonight."
I placed her gently on the pavement, almost immediately I dropped to the ground.
"It's okay, hey, shh, it's okay, I'm okay, just a bit tired, nothing I can't handle, c'mon let's get you inside."
I grabbed her hand and lead her to the door, I tired the handle but this place hasn't been used in years, I let go of Olivia's hand telling her to stay back, here we go, I run full force toward the door, but I stop because as soon as my shoulder makes contact with the worn out wood of the ancient door, it slowly creaks open, making a loud groan, like it hasn't been touched in years. Well I guess in a way it hasn't, last time I was here wasn't a happy memory...
"Ouch, sir, I said I'm sorry, I really am."
A little girl with beautiful long tawny hair cried to her father.
"NO, Y/N, your not sorry, and this time, ohhhh yes this time you are going to pay, actually, no your Mother will pay instead."
A menacing smile spread across his disfigured face.
"No, please, not mama, mummy's tired from last time, hit me instead."
Her pleads meant nothing to him as he started up the stairs, she clawed at his ankles, but it made no difference for he was determined to yet again inflict unnecessary pain on the lady upstairs.
The little girl fell down the stairs as if she was but a feather in the wind. Her head landed on the floor with a bang.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT", he screamed at the petite girl, he carried on as he recomposed his voice.
"I hate you, I hate your Mother, I hate you both" he spat "You, you ruined my life, I had a hot toy," he said pointing upstairs to tell you he was talking about your Mother. Stepping menacingly down the stairs he continued.
"You ruined my whole fucking life, DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT."
The girl hits the wall and slides to the floor. But she didn't mind if she was buying her mother time."Please, stop"her voice barely a whisper "I'll get the bottle next time, and your special tablets, I'll get them all please just, just stop hurting us."
She would do anything to protect her, she knew her mother was getting tired, so tired sometimes she doesn't wake up for a while, and she didn't want that to happen again.
"Please, sir-"
He cut her off by turned around and stomped back upstairs, this time he was angry... really angry usually telling him that would calm him down. Breathing quietly she could hear the bedroom door creak open
"No, stop, please, stop, why are you doing this Mark? I love you, I thought you loved me please, stop don't hurt me where's Y/N, Mark stop please you don't know what your doing, PLEASE STOP NO!"
End of flashback
Her screams still haunt me everyday. They cling to my brain like cobwebs, crowding my thoughts so much that I feel that my life is shrinking. I often think of my mother, she was a small thing but strong. She would always stick up for me. Even if it meant her getting hurt. That's what made me want to get strong and fight against this cruel world, for there is only one option in life, fight or die.
Hello, Eren quote at the bottom there, hope you liked this chapter a glimpse into her past might make the story more clear for you. Remember to vote and share thank you!

FanfictionA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...