"Mhm." Eren mumbled. I just rolled my eyes and followed Armin to their room.
"There we go." He said unlocking the door and pushing it open, allowing me to step in. I nodded to him.
"What bed is Eren sleeping in?" I asked.
"Top bunk, but you can put him on mine today. I'll sleep on his bed." He said climbing the ladder.
"Okay then, g'night." I whispered laying Eren down on the bed and Mikasa put the covers over him. I turned around and heard ruffling as Armin got into bed.
"Goodnight y/n, goodnight Mikasa, sleep well." Armin whispered. I smiled and walked out, Mikasa nodded at me walking to her door and I started to head to mine.
Turning the corner I bumped into someone.
"Ah sorry." They said.
"You should watch where you are going jeez!" I mumbled strolling past.
"HEY?!" They said.
"What?!" I questioned turning around. "Wait, Hanji?, sorry I didn't realise." I said walking back over and helping her up.
"It's fine." She huffed.
"Hey!, I said I'm sorry Hanji, cmon I'll walk you too your room."
"I'm not mad about that."
"Well what then?" I asked, I had no idea why she was upset with me, we haven't really spoken all day?
"Why was you in Erens room! I thought you would've told me if you liked him?! She whispered looking hurt.
"Woah, calm down, he fell asleep on my bed, so I carried him to his room with Armin and Mikasa." I stated pulling a grossed face and hitting Hanjis shoulder.
"Oh phew." She giggled suspiciously.
"If I did like someone I wouldn't tell anyone Hanji, if that makes you feel any better."
"Yeah, however I doubt that will happen, I don't have relationships or friendships often, they tend to get in the way, plus I'm awful at them."
"I understand that, but in the scouts it can be tough and it's always nice to have someone to rely on or to have your back, plus you seem to be friends with most of the 104th Cadets anyway, Eren wouldn't shut up about how amazing your fighting skills are, kept comparing you to Annie, ans of course I'm your best friend." Hanji explained hugging me on the last line.
"Thanks Hanji, and who is Annie?" I smiled in response, friends are my forte, but they are all seemingly nice. And if I'm being compared to 'Annie' I hope it's a good thing.
"Oh Annie was also in the 104th Cadets, she came 4th in the top 10 of their class, however she joined the Military Police instead which is a shame, all the rest came here though so that's a big help!."
"Oh." I responded wondering why anyone would willingly join the scouts, saying that my brother and father both did...
"Plus Levi has clearly taken a liking to you! You have very similar attributes and define you match each other's skill!" Hanji stated breaking my chain of thought.
"Well, i don't know about the liking me part, but I did kill slash a dumbies neck before him in training today." I chuckled, remember the look on his face.
"Really? That's amazing? He didn't mention that earlier, only your unreal fighting skills and natural talent with the titan dumbies to Erwin." Hanji said smiling at me as we reached her room.
"Did he say that?"
"Yes, oops, that meeting was confidential, oh well, awh I'm so annoyed I missed the fight I wish I could've seen it."
"Well I'm fighting Mikasa tomorrow at training if that's something that sounds interesting."
"Wait," She said stopping in her tracks to face me, grabbing my shoulders she asked "Mikasa, you? Fighting?"
"Yeah tomorrow like I said." I responded, is Mikasa really this good?
"Well I will definitely be there rooting for you, with a first aid kit." She chuckled pushing up her glasses.
"Oh thanks, really comforting Hanji, just what I needed to hear from a 'best friend'" I responded sarcastically.
"HA sorry it's just she is really really good at fighting, top in her class, I'd say she's just nearly at Levi's level, nearly as she gets a little impulsive and angry when it comes to Eren, she needs to learn to turn off her emotions as it has nearly killed her in the past."
"Hm." I pondered, useful to know.
"Well goodnight y/n I'll see ya tomorrow for breakfast!" Hanji sang opening her door and waving. I peeked into her messy room, clothes on the floor and note books everywhere. I looked at her face as she sheepishly blocked the doorway.
"I'm normally cleaner." She said smiling.
"Sure Hanji, anyway yeah g'night." I responded walking down the corridor to my room.
As I turned the key in the lock walking into my room,
"Ouch what the hell?!" I said as something hit my leg.
"Oops, sorry auntie, I thought it was someone else." Olivia screamed hugging my leg and dropping her bag.
"What's in there?" I said sitting on the bed rubbing my, now, sore leg. She looked to the floor and mumbled something.
"What was that?"
"A BRICK." She squealed, scared hiding under the covers.
"A BRICK, where did you get that." I laughed grabbing my night clothes and putting them on, the pain was gone now so it shouldn't effect me tomorrow. She popped back up from under the covers and giggled.
"Dunno." And flopped back down again.
"Are you already in your night clothes, you're going your new home tomorrow so you need a good rest okay?"
"Yeah okay."
"Okay well good night Olivia, sleep well." I whispered, getting into bed.
"Hmmmm." She mumbled incoherently. I smiled and blew out the candle.
Okay the fight will definitely be the next chapter. Vote and comment!

FanfictionA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...