Pic is Hanji annoying Levi later on in the chapter!
I walked quickly trying to keep pace with Levi. Considering he has short legs he walks fast. I smiled at my own joke as Levi turned around.
"What are you smiling at brat?" He asked.
"Nothing!'" I replied quickly, as time has gone on I have developed a deep sense of respect for Levi just as everyone else has, and a bit of fear, he truly is very skilled. I'll beat him one day.
"Tch." He mumbled and carried on walking. I looked out the window to see Eren giving Armin a piggy back as he ran laps. I was so engrossed watching them laughing, that I hadn't realised Levi had stopped.
"Gah." I smacked right into his chest and stumbled backwards. He didn't even move!
"Ouch." I mumbled rubbing my head. "That hurt oof!" He just looked at me annoyed.
"Aren't you going to apologise." Hanji said popping round the corner leaning against the wall grinning.
"She doesn't need to say sorry it was an accident and stop lurking idiot." Levi stated and started to walk again.
"Yeah Hanji." I repeated childlike poking my tongue out. Hanji just huffed. She walked up to Levi.
"I cant help it y/n is just so fascinating."
"Drop. It. Out, you'll scare her off." Levi said looking blandly at Hanji as he mumbled about her glasses needing a clean.
"He's so scary when he's mad." Hanji whisper shouted. He sharply turned around giving her a death glare.
"GAHHH!" She screamed jumping behind me. "Help me Y/N!" Hanji squealed avoiding Levi's cold glare. Levi just growled and carried on walking. Hanji them walked back round and slung her arm over my shoulder.
"I thought it would've gone down like "Levi sir captain sir, oops I meant Levi I'm so sorry i was daydreaming about Eren..."
"Ha Hanji you know I kinda imagined that but just with you and Erwin!, what a coincidence!" I sarcasticly said. I heard Levi chuckle in front as Hanji turned bright red.
"Ha ha N/N, funny, I know you don't like Eren I just love to tease ya." She said head butting me. I just laughed and carried on walking. We turned the corner and we were at Levi's office.
He opened the door and turned around. He grabbed Hanjis arm off my shoulder, pushed her back. Grabbed me pushed me into his office and closed to door.
"Jeez okay see ya later then guys." Hanji cackled through the door. Levi grabbed the door and swung it open.
"GAHH!" Hanji screamed sprinting down the corridor round the corner. I heard her bump into a Cadet.
"Ahhhh! section commander Hanji are you alright?!" Someone screamed.
"I- yes cadet as you were!" Hanji shouted, all I could hear were her feet slapping on the floor quickly. I saw a Cadet poke his head round the corner as Levi slammed the door again.
I looked out his window. This is where he looked at me from on my first week of the scouts. It was rainy outside, and a little cold. I smiled as a breeze came in through the window and ruffled my hair. I completely forgot Levi was in the room. He came up behind me and looked out.
"What are you looking at." He asked.
"The rain, it's oddly calming, it always sounded so powerful when I listened from the underground, but here it is more delicate." I explained sighing.
"Mhm." He replied and sat down at his desk. "You can sit down if you want."
I nodded but stayed standing, I watched a bird flying over the trees dipping behind the leaves and appearing again.
"So what did you want Captain?" I pondered, He just sighed.
"Don't call me that y/n, and I wanted to know where you learnt your fighting skills from." I hesitated I haven't really told anybody anything like that before, I know I couldn't completely brush it off like I do with Eren, he wants the full story and I feel it'll send up getting back to Erwin.
"Here and there." I replied nervously, I don't really like tell others about my past, since joining the scouts I've tried to leave it behind, however it's all people want to seem to talk about.
"Places? people? I want to know info." He replied looking at me. I just turned around and looked out the window shrugging. He just sighed.
"What happened?"
"What happened to make you so against telling me anything, have I offended you in some manner."
"No it's not that, I just don't really like sharing things." It makes you vulnerable and I don't want anyone to have an advantage over me, I'm in charge of my life now.
"Do you feel like you can't trust me or something-"
I snapped.
"If I wanted to talk about it I would!" I sneered stomping to the door, I was angry now, I don't want to talk I've been through this before. I was about to reach the handle when Levi grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.
A hug.
A full normal hug.
What does he think he's doing?
He carried on hugging me and I tried to move away. He remained standing there as I was slowly calming down, I didn't move but my hands were clenched into fists. I could feel my eyes were changing as I began to shake.I listening to his breathing and slowly moved my arms to hug him back. We stayed like that for a while. As I pulled away I looked down at the ground ashamed for shouting at him like that. He didn't deserve it, I'm just not proud of my past, I know I'll have to make up for it somehow, I really need to keep my emotions in check. He pulled my chin up and looked at my eyes, they were red and I could see his confusion. He grabbed a tissue from his desk and handed it to me.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"You're crying." He replied sitting on his couch. I slowly moved my hand up to touch my cheek which was now wet with tears. I hadn't even realised, pathetic. I tried to contain my embarrassment, crying in from of Levi. Any respect that he has for me I'm sure just evaporated.
"Sorry." I replied.
"There isn't any need to be sorry." He replied patting the space next to him. I walked over cautiously and gently sat down. He gently pulled my head onto his shoulder. What is happening?
"It's okay to cry." He reassured putting his arm round my shoulder and slowly rubbing it. "A girl I once knew cried a lot, all the time about silly little things, but I assume you've had that built up for a while, I'm sorry if the questions triggered it." I nodded as my tears silently began to flow, they weren't about anything in particular. It's just I have been strong for so long, but they soon stopped I don't have a lot of emotion so I'm surprised I can cry.
He carried on rubbing my shoulder as my breathing steadied. My eyes began to close gently...
Hello!!!! A little bit more of Levixreader there! I don't want to rush things so thank you for reading! Make sure to vote and comment.

FanficA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...