We both screamed a battle cry before Eren started to pick up speed, then I remembered that the emblems hadn't been taken of the rest of the Levi squads jackets.
I whizzed of Eren and quickly flew back to retrieve them, finding Oluo's first then Petra's and then Eld's. I closed all there eyes as I went past and kissed them all lightly on their foreheads, they had contributed amazingly to the survey corpse, I saluted and said "I am proud to say I have know and been friends with the special operations squad may you all rest in peace, we will meet again, see you on the other side." I saluted again and whizzed back landing on Eren's shoulder, quickly explaining where I went and he nodded.
I attached onto a tree as Eren swung a right jab at her but it missed.
The Titan dodged and looked at me, she went to kick me but Eren bit her leg and pushed her into a tree. I went higher up into the leaves so I couldn't been seen, this Titan seemed smart.
"I need to plan an attack, and wait for the right time."
I watched carefully, and saw her look up for me, she stopped and kicked Eren in the stomach before looking up again. Eren used this to his advantage and dug his feet into the ground slowing them both down. He then pushed against her leg and she fell backwards. I quickly came down sliced her face and whizzed back up into the leaves and saw her fall into the tree and clench her teeth in pain.
She screeched annoyed and looked up to try and find me. I whizzed in front again trying to buy Eren some resting time. I attached myself to her head on stomped on it, she reached both hands up to smack me but I flew to Eren and landed on his head causing her to smack her own head really hard.
I hopped down onto Eren shoulder again as the titan walked in front of us, a dazed look on its face as steam emitted from the damage we had both caused.
I quickly flew back up into the trees and put their emblems in my jacket pocket with Gunther's.
Then Eren took up his fighting stance and moved towards her quickly, moving left to right and then swung another right punch which she dodged and then the a left, which she barely missed.
He swung again and missed but then he sent a right upper cup under her chin and I heard a solid smack as it connected. He then swung a left jab, which sent her flying.
She tumbled over and over until she quickly stopped and ran away from him. She turned and swung a left jab at him but missed she then kicked him in the shin. He buckled and fell. She then kicked his head and he fell to the ground.
"NO!" I screamed flying down and slicing her ankles causing her to fall also, I then slashed her shoulders and went back up into the trees. They both quickly scrambled up and got into fighting stances, again I saw the recognition in Erens green eyes but he slightly shook his head blinking and moved forward.
She ran backwards then turned around to see Eren throwing punches all over the place, he didn't have a plan and his movements were all pointless as she dodged every one effortlessly. Until by fluke he hit his mark, she fell to the ground and he clambered onto top of her. (Dayum)
He held his left hand over his head and stopped he seemed to be thinking about something, a tear slipped down his face and I knew he was thinking about earlier. When he was going to transform but didn't. He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and brought his fist smashing down, she moved her head just in time and his fist connected to the hard ground.
The force of his punch pushed his bone out of its socket and through the skin but this didn't seem to faze him at all. I whizzed down to take a better look and touched to the ground, I could see her looking into his eyes, almost hurt and Eren looking back with despair, which then turned into anger. His eyes shinning with tears as he looked upon the Titan that killed his friends and many members of the survey corpse. I locked into his mind to hear him say over and over 'murderer'.
Then he said something that made my heart break.
'If only if killed it earlier.'
It was my fault, I told him not to and now he blames himself. I pushed my thoughts away I needed to concentrate.He then brought his other fist up and brought it down again, and unfortunately missing again. He roared bringing both his hands up, steam floating up from them as they healed ready to be used again.
He looked at her thinking.
'Back then, if if turned into a Titan, No.' he said thinking back 'if I'd fought even before, when we were on horse back, Captain Levi was there too, we would have won."I stopped reading his thoughts and looked at her with hardened eyes. I breathed in as Eren leaned in and screamed into her face as if talking to her and his eyes rolled back in his head, his body was twitching. And then.
The Titan grabbed Erens arm and slid underneath Erens legs. Eren grabbed her nape to drag her back down but she kicked out into his stomach and pushed him away. His back smacked into a tree and I raced after him. And landed on the tree next the one he was pushed into.
She had her back turned and I went for it, but she turned and saw me, her hand raised to swat me away like a fly, when Eren grabbed me roughly and placed me on the ground. He then punched her with his other hand and she rolled over again.
But so did Eren, but he was quicker to get up as he made his way over to her she fell into a tree and he roared so loud it made my ears ring.
The titans eyes had now fully regenerated as she saw Eren in all his glory, if looks could kill Eren would have won ages ago. You could see in his eyes that he truly hated this Titan, more than anything.
Again he went for a punch but she jumped just in time. Bouncing back up and into a fighting stance he moved towards the murderer and I flew along side him.
He again threw a chorus of punches and she again dodged them all. But on the last punch, a cracking sound emerged. And the Titan raised her arm into Erens jaw and I saw the glistening of her crystal-like skin. Eren head slid along her arm shocking her and he punched her with so much force that she flew into the air and smacked into a tree.
Then I whizzed forward and sliced her arms, legs and shoulders. Her head slumped downwards its blonde hair sprawling across her tired face.
Eren came forward to knee her in the face but she jumped out of the way.
"UGH!, will you just stay still!" I screamed getting tired and impatient, I wanted her dead, I wanted to see her lifeless corpse laying on the cold hard ground.
Eren leaned against the tree breathing heavily and she ran a little away breathing heavily as well.
"C'MON EREN YOU CAN DO IT!" I screamed. He looked up and saw me smile as I landed on a tree. Then the female Titan turned looking at Eren and-
YES YES YES I AM THE WORST HUMAN EVER IM SORRY LOL DONT WORRY THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OUT SOON! SO LOOK OUT FOR IT. Remember to keep voting, commenting and sharing this story! Thanks see you next chapter ~ author chan

FanfictionA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...