Armin at the end of this chapter!
I nervously raced up the stairs and closed the door leaning against its frame. I slid to the bottom of the door thinking about the close encounter with Levi.
"Cadet Y/N"
"Levi." I replied turning around sipping my water.
"I wanted to congratulate you on the field out there, you backflipped over Eren like it was child's play."
"Thank you sir."
"I've told you not to say that."
"Sorry, everybody else does and I can't help it, I'll try better next time."
He just grunted in response. I got the kettle and filled it up with water. I then turned on the fire and hooked the kettle to the latch above. I silently waited for Levi to speak up about why he was here, however it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more comfortable.
I didn't want to disturb him. His head was resting in his palm, his face locked in a permanent scowl, but he was concentrating on something so I stayed quiet. I got out a tea cup and gentle placed it on the counter and put the strainer on the rim of the cup and the tea leaves in the cup.
The kettle started to hiss so I took it of the heat and poured the water into the cup.
"Milk?" I asked.
I took the cup to him and placed it in front of him. He took a sip and nodded in satisfaction.
"You're welcome jeez." I mumbled, pulling out a chair, as I sat down I wacked his leg with my own.
He looked at me as his tea had been spilt.
Flashback end.
"Ugh, what's wrong with me." I said laughing. I'm so screwed if he sees me.
"Nothings wrong with you auntie, you're the best!!!" Olivia giggled. I was concentrating so much that I hadn't even realised Olivia was in the room.
"Thank you Olivia." I said chuckling and sat down.
'Knock knock.'
"Come in the doors open." I said not thinking, wait if it's Levi?!
"Actually wait, waiiitttttt!" I screamed but it was just Mikasa with a confused expression on her face.
"What's wrong?" She asked at my sudden outburst.
"Oh nothing." I responded opening the door for her to walk in.
"What brings you here then Mikasa?" I asked.
"I heard you beat up my brother pretty bad, is this true."
"Yes it is, I'm sorry if I hurt him too much."
"No, its fine, it's just Eren has really improved his combat recently and for you to beat him has shocked me, I would like to fight you at training today, as everyone couldn't really see through the window, I couldn't really see your techniques, all I saw was Eren on the floor a lot." She said with a little smile. " if that's okay with you?, you must be tired from your first day-"
"Sure I don't mind! I enjoy it actually." I chuckled, that probably sounded weird.
"Enjoy it?" Eren mumbled from behind the door, giving away his hiding spot, although I could see his foot from behind the door already.
"What are you doing sulking outside."
"He was listening to see if you would fight Mikasa or not." Armin said popping his head around the door letting himself in. He gave a warm smile to Olivia and sat down on an empty chair. Eren remained in the doorway.
"Armin get back she'll kill you." I heard someone say.
"Who else is in the hallways?!" I asked standing up. I heard whispering, Jean strolled in with Connie and Sasha following. Reiner and Berthold was next with Ymir and Christa.
"Just invite yourself in guys, don't even worry about it." I stated annoyed. Olivia giggled waving to everyone.
"Welcome to mine and Aunties room, I would say make yourself at home but it seems some of you already have." She said laughing pointing to Eren who now lying on my bed.
"My shoulders still hurt from earlier I need to rest."
I just laughed. Shuffling away from him so he could lie down properly.
"Thanks newbie." He said smiling.
"I said DON'T call me that or I will hurt you ." He grunted in response.
"To answer your question, Mikasa, in front of everyone, yes I'll fight you." I answered looking to Mikasa just nodded and held her hand out, I shook it. It was settled, this will be fun!
"I look forward to it Y/N, but don't hold back like you did with Eren, I want a proper fight." She said walking out.
"I won't if you won't." I replied shooing the group out the room. I heard whispers saying
"What's Y/N thinking fighting Mikasa, shes insanely strong!"
"Y/N vs Mikasa I can't wait."
"The newbie against our second strongest in the ranks, I hope Mikasa doesn't hurt her too much."I closed the door to see Armin smiling at me. How did I not see him?
"Armin doors that way." I said blankly.
"I know it's just what are you gonna do with Eren?" He asked sweetly. Mikasa waiting in the doorway staring at Eren, an unreadable expression was on her face.
"Hm." I said looking to the sleeping Eren. "Guess I'll just have to carry him to his room, which one is it?"
"I'll show you there."
"Thanks, you often think ahead then?" I said lifting Eren up with Mikasa.
"Yeah I have to." He said, "I have to make up for my lack of physical attributes, so I try and formulate plans instead that are effect and Mikasa and Eren always manage to pull them off."
"By the way." Admin whispered to me "I think you can take on Mikasa!"
"Thanks Armin, I do too." I said grinning. "Cause I haven't lost a fight since I was 5."
Hi! Sorry this wasn't very eventful! This next chapter will have the fight so this was more of a filler plus a bit of writers block oops sorry! Make sure to vote and comment!!!

FanficA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...