Imagine Annie is Y/N in the pic.
I took my stance and Eren took his.
"Ready?!" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Ready!" He said smirking. I ran over to him.
"Hai." I said lifting my leg and hitting his neck, he looked shocked and grabbed my leg as I planned. He smiled at me and lifted my body in the air. As I was going over his back, I did a backflip hitting his back and landing safely on the ground, I immediately bounced back up but Eren was on the floor.
"Ugh!" He said getting up, his legs were shaking. He looked at me and took a lazy stance.
"Straight back Eren, no slacking, unless you're already tired." I teased, he straightened his back and looked me in the eye. I smiled and stood my ground, I was going to let him run to me. He looked at me and started to sprint.
"You're going down Y/N!" He said jumping towards me in a scissor kick motion. I ducked and threw a punch, he dodged and sent a jab my stomach. I jumped back and kicked his head. Giving him no recovery time I quickly punched his face, hooked my right leg round his left, pulled his leg forward and pushed his chest into ground.
"What was that Eren?" I said smiling triumphantly. I jumped of him and he looked up, I offered my hand which he took, and pulled him up.
"Wow you're really good, where did you train?" He asked.
"Self-taught, in a way I practiced boxing a lot and I saw people in the underground, I got into a lot of fights so I had to be good, I would study the real thugs and copy their moves..."
"HAI!" A man screamed kicking a younger man and snatching his food. I watched eagerly, when he started to walk away I looked at the make-shift dummy that I had made with bin bags.
"Haiiiya!" I said swinging my leg up and hitting the top bag. I practiced every night as I had been kicked out my house, I was only 10 at the time. I heard shuffling at the end of the ally way and shouted
"Who's there?" my voice was shaking.
"Well, well what do we have here!" Said a man, there was no one with him so I assumed he was mad. I kicked my bag near the dustbins out of view, as it had food in it.
"Whatcha got there little one?" He said.
'Crap he's noticed my bag.' I thought, it had my only positions in it.
"Well if you want it, you gotta come and get it!" I said taking up my fighting stance. He ran at me and the fight began.
I won the fight but not unscathed, I had lots of scratches all over my body as he didn't really fight me, he more clawed at me and the bag. I heard slow clapping at the end of the alley way.
"Impressive, very impressive, we could use a girl like you." Said a man, stepping out of the shadows smiling. He was quite tall and broad. WAIT! I knew this guy, he's the one who I watch fighting. Now I'm screwed.
"I don't wanna go with ya so, clear off." I said trying to sound confident. He smiled and bent down, I didn't flinch.
"I admire your courage little girl, you are Mark L/N, daughter are you not?, you are very skilled at pick pocketing, what's your name." He asked.
"Well, what's your name?" I retaliated, he wasn't getting anything out of me.
"My names Ben, Ben Brown, your not gonna tell me yours?" He asked, flashing a small smile.
"Y/N." I mumbled.
"Pretty name, c'mon let's get you out the cold."
"I don't wanna go with you, I dunno who you are, you might wanna kill me or worse. How can I trust someone like you?" I spat stepping backwards and crossing my arms.
"Well, you'll never find out if you don't come will ya?, choice is yours, you can stay here and rot away or come with me, you have great potential." He said turning and walking away. He was about to round the corner when I shouted
"WAIT!" I sprinted over to him and said "I'll come with you, but so you know, I don't like ya and I don't trust ya." He laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Good to know N/N." he started walking and I followed. (N/N means nickname)
End of flashback.
"So you was part of a gang then?" Eren asked as I finished telling him my story.
"You could say that." I said avoiding the question.
"That's cool!" He said grinning and slinging an arm over my shoulder.
"Watch it Eren!" I said grabbing his arm.
"Ahhh." He screamed grabbing his arm back. I chuckled as he pouted.
"Hey, you scared me, I really thought you'd flip me again!" He whined.
"I wouldn't flip you unless I had to Eren, like if you blinked, that's annoying" I said grinning at him, he froze, and I burst out laughing again.
"I'm kidding Eren, you take everything I say so seriously!" I laughed gripping my stomach from looking at his face.
"It's not my fault, Y/N I can't tell when your joking you're like Levi and Mikasa!" He said pouting again. I just laughed and ruffled his hair, we were now at the doors. I could see Levi glaring at Eren and he gulped.
"Why is Captain looking at me like that?!" He whisper shouted.
"Doesn't he always look like that?" I said walking past Levi into the doors. I realised I was breathing quickly so I calmed myself down. My face had a little blush on it.
I mentally slapped myself. I must be dehydrated. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water."Cadet Y/N?" I heard that familiar stern voice call my name.
"Levi." I said spinning around.
Hello!!! Thank you so much for reading! I hope to see you next chapter, keep voting and commenting and I'll see you next time :)

FanficA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...