Before the last chapter!
Levi POV
I took a gulp of my water letting it cool me down, it's been a horrible day yet the sun still persists, shinning its golden rays on us, and contradicting the way we feel. I made my way over to where y/n was laying, she was talking to Mikasa but she kept her eyes closed. Nodding at times.
"I thought Armin advised that you get some rest, although you was in titan form when you fell, it still impacted you y/n."
"Yeah, I know, I can't sleep." She replied looking up at me with her beautiful e/c eyes, her eyebrows knotted as she scrunched her nose cutely.
"Hm." I hummed, I leaned on the side of the wagon and looked away, thinking how things have really changed, how my life has changed.
"Hey, I got these for you, I took them and closed all their eyes, they didn't deserve to die like that no one does Levi."
y/n whispered quietly, reaching into her pocket and pulling something delicately out. "I-I got them, I thought you would want them, Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther were dead when I had reached them, I'm truly sorry Levi, I didn't avenge their deaths and I-""Thank you." I spoke cutting her off people she started to blame herself "We will avenge them, one day, together, don't blame yourself." I said reaching down and taking their scout badges, this has happened so many times, and I really thought this time it would be different.
I should've known good things don't last long in my life, and that's why I'll protect y/n, with my every being, I won't let anything touch her. I felt my forehead frown as I swore no harm would come to her.
Y/n placed her hand on mine and grabbed it firmly, rubbing her small soft thumb gently over my hand, I relaxed closing my eyes and sighing again.
"So your a titan, tch, should've known, all the annoying brats are, first Eren then you, how about Mikasa next?"
She shot me a death glare which I returned equally. She then looked back down to Eren her features softening.
"I think it's the most determined who has the ability." Mikasa whispered, "You and Eren are both so determined in everything you do, it's truly inspiring."
"Bullshit." I whispered sniggering.
"Me too Mikasa, he is just jealous, aren't you shorty."
My neck snapped around in annoyance.
"I'm taller than you."
"I'm taller than you." Mikasa responded. "Shorty." She added smiling a little.
"Good for you." I responded rolling my eyes.
"But that doesn't mean your not stronger Captain, your height allows you to move better, and it hasn't stopped you from being humanities strongest has it?, no, so stop being a strop." Mikasa finished looking at him. Y/n burst out laughing.
"Ohhh, you've been told mate." Y/n giggled winking.
"True." I agreed. "I am humanities strongest, aren't are y/n." I stated smugly looking at y/n. I knew she hated admitting it, her eyes squinted and she looked away.
She mumbled something under her breathe.
"What was that." I questioned leaning in.
"Yeah have you got one?" I teased my mood lightening a little, I need to surround myself with people, isolation made it worst last time. She huffed and Mikasa giggled a little looking at us.
"Kiss already." She said smiling with her eyes closed.
"I-" me and y/n started at the same time but someone cut us off.
"Captain Levi, over here please, sir." Said someone next to Erwin. I looked down at y/n and she smiled.
"Go captain, you're wanted."
"Tch, don't call me that." I said walking away.
"I'll call you whatever I want Captain." She mumbled turning her head. Next to Eren, Mikasa pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.
He walked off and Mikasa whispered get some sleep and gently kissed my forehead.
"I don't like him Mikasa!"
"Yes you do y/n now get some rest."
"You'll all still be here when I wake up won't you?" I asked trying to reassure myself.
"Yes." She replied, touching my shoulder. "Just get some rest, no harm will come to anyone, try to get some sleep."
I'm sorry it is so short the next chapter I will upload tomorrow as it's unfair. The next chapter iS jAm pAckEd wiTh sTuFf ;)
Okay see y'all BAIII- author-chan

FanfictionA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...