As the drunk went to grab me I elbowed his surprisingly toned stomach and he tripped, falling backwards into Number 3. Being an 'oh so goody scout' he caught him and immediately asked if he was okay. Boringly predictable.
I slipped into an alleyway with Olivia and took a sneaky look back. I can see Number 3 looking around for me, he looks confused. He would've been able to see me if I was in the crowd. Because well... He's HUGE. Like wow he's so tall. And look at those eyebrows, damn! He has nice blonde, slick back hair and sharp cheek bones.
Well, gotta keep moving, Number 2 has probably broken through the crowd now. And is making his way towards me.
I hope to eliminate both of them as quickly as possible and have time to get away we need to use 3dmg. Yep and Olivia I hate to say it but she will need to use it too.
"You remember how to use 3dmg right?"
"Yes, you made me train everyday till I knew EVERYTHING!"
"But you loved it and it was fun so it was worth it right?"
"HELL YEAH IT WAS, TOTALLY!" She screamed fist pumping the air.
"Okay, well off you go then." I said shooing her, before I change my mind.
"WHAT, RIGHT-RIGHT NOW SERIOUSLY!" She screeched jumping up and down.
"Yeah, right now, remember all the tricks, flips and skills I taught you." I said sternly showing her I wasn't joking. She responded nodding her head confidently. "Okay then, head for the big clock, wait for me there, draw as little attention as possible to yourself and go full speed."
She nodded whizzing off.
"NO, STOPPING!" I screamed.
"I won't, I love you auntie." She said flashing me a confident but scared smile. She gave me a thumbs up and then she was gone.
Right, let's get going, I have to distract them while Olivia is going.
I shoot my 3dmg onto a building looking over my shoulder, I can see Olivia whizzing off towards the clock, back flipping off a chimney and gaining dangerous speed, but she is skilled and can deal with it. I can see Number 4 following her.
"HEY, SHORT ASS, OVER HERE, I'LL GO SLOW FOR YA, SEEN AS YOU HAVE TINY LIL LEGS!" I screeched so loud people above ground could've heard me. I can see him slowly turning, shit his face, he looks mad. Pure hatred in his eyes aimed at my being. He flew towards me, I don't mind as long as his attention is away from Olivia.
Wow, he is really closing distance on me. Well let's see how good they are.
Ah, there he is, Number 2 is joining us shall I annoy him even more? Yeah definitely.
"OH, HEY THERE, DECIDED TO JOIN ME AND SHORTIE HERE, SO KIND OF YOU." I said mockingly, doing a back flip and bowing will I turned upside down. Giving shortie a wink, I carried on. I'm coming up to the clock now, Olivia's waiting right at the top.
I slow down so they are just meters away from me. And then Number 2 speeds up, I really wanted number 4 to. I wanted to test his skill but I'm sure Number 2 is just as good. Right, here we go. I'm speeding up, full speed actually, going straight towards the clock tower. Just as I got about 10 centimetres away I backflipped and ran up the the tower and looked down. Witnessing Number 2 crashing into the bricks. And sliding down at a quick speed, well I don't want him to die. That much...
I flew down kicked him lightly so he changed his corse of falling onto a building so he wouldn't hurt himself to much. Damn it I don't want Olivia to see that. I go underneath him and pick him up. I lay him gently onto the roof completely forgetting about Number 4.
"AHHHHHH." I hear a high pitched scream coming from the... Olivia?!?!?
I see shortie flying off with Olivia in his arms, she's trying to break free and she's making it hard for him to use his 3dmg but he's strong, really strong.
"He will regret that." I whisper charging forward at a speed I didn't realise was possible. This is the result of my anger.
He lowers and goes to the ground, I see the other two scouts, obviously number 2 isn't here and land on a building and look down on them. He lowers Olivia gently to the floor. Making sure she's okay, she hits him square in the stomach and I smile she's so confident. Shortie doesn't even look like he felt it. I gracefully land on the floor.
"Hand her over, I don't want any trouble," They don't move, all looking at me with slight fear but more awe and wonder, probably because my eyes are red, I can feel them burning.
"NOW!" I scream. Shortie looks to eyebrows and he nods. Shortie let's go of Olivia's arm and she runs towards me. And grabs my hand. I bend down and give her a huge hug.
"I'm so sorry Olivia."
"No it wasn't your fault, you helped that other guy, that took true guts." She said smiling and wiping a tear. I'm so proud of how tough she has got. A while ago she would have been shaking with fear but now she's standing tall comforting me, her father would be proud. I smiled at her and ruffled her hair. Standing tall again I looked at all of them properly. Shortie stepped forward, looking me straight in the eye and said
"Who, are you?"
An action filled chapter 😎
Number 1 is Hanji.
Number 2 is Mike.
Number 3 is Erwin
Number 4 is Levi.
Well thanks for reading see you next chapter. Please remember to give this a vote and share !!!

FanfictionA girl from the underground has been killing for money since she was young, with a history of theft and murder. But when she is requested to go to the scouts or military which will she choose and will Humanity's Strongest persuade her decision for...