Chapter Four. A Family Again

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Rage was still burning through Melody as the left America. She could not believe her allies would betray her and her coven like that. Melody wasn't the daughter of Caius. She couldn't be. And now, she is going to get killed all thanks to the Cullens. But something else has been bothering her ever since they left. That sweet, luring smell only got stronger. Melody wanted to know where it came from, she needed to know. She growled lowly in frustration. Many vampires kept on sneaking glances at her, every single one of them wondering if this really was Caius Volturi's lost daughter. Caius walked in front of her, his hand on his wife's lower back. He never once glanced back at Melody, however his wife, Athenodora, kept giving Melody hopeful glances.

Felix kept a tight grip on her arm. Melody tried to pull away. "I won't run off, now let me go." she growled at him. Felix doubted it and looked at his master. Aro nodded his head, gesturing Felix could let her go. Felix looked at her as if he did not trusted her but let go anyway. The vampires continued walking and Melody followed them. She was considering using her mist to get away, but thought against it. She wanted to know what they had to say, and she needed to know whom had that luring smell.

After three hours of running, they finally reached the Volturi castle. Melody has been here only once, in her mist form. She was new, barely 100 years old and just found out to whom her necklace belonged too. The entered the throne room and everyone took their spot, everyone except for Melody whom kept standing in the center of the room. Melody has always hated to be in the center of attention and really wanted to use her power, but she fought against it. Knowing it might only worsen her condition.

It felt like eternity while she waited, only daring to look at her feet. That luring smile only had gotten bigger now that they where no longer in the open air. She really wanted to know who it was that smelled so luring to her, but she would probably never find out, and that made Melody, for some kind of reason, really sad.

Caius slowly made it's way to her and lifted her head up, glaring at her. "Calm down brother. We will find out the truth." Aro said as he stood next to Caius. "Hm." was all Caius said while he let go of Melody's chin. Aro held out his hand for her to grab. Melody debated it for a while but couldn't find a valid reason not too. So she placed her hand into Aro's, letting him read her mind, every thought she has ever had. "My, my. It seems like she could be her my dear brother. Her memories are quite equivalant. And her birthmark matches the one on your daughter." Aro spoke, his everlasting smile on his face. Caius' face showed a slight spark of hope, but he wasn't ready to believe yet.

Athenodora began to make her way towards Melody, only to be stopped by Caius. "It's fine. She won't attack me." Athenodora spoke gently to her husband. Caius slightly relaxed but kept his eyes on his wife the entire time. Athenodora slowly moved towards Melody, afraid to scare the girl. She gently cupped Melody's face into her hands. Melody wanted to take a step back but didn't, her curiosity taking the overhand of her decisions. Athenodora hummed a soft melody. Everyone in the castle knew that melody. Athenodora would hum it every year on the date her daughter was taken from her. Melody's eyes grew wide. It was the same lullaby she had known ever since she was a kid. She softly hummed along with Athenodora. Caius face broke. His ever cold face broke into one of disbelief. He slowly approached his wife and the girl, and for the first time in his life, ever since his daughter had been taken from him, he smiled a gentle smile. Athenodora slowly pulled Melody into a hug, and if she could have cried she was sure she wouldn't have been able to stop. Caius slowly embraced his wife and daughter, knowing the minute he wrapped this girl into his arms that she was in fact his daughter. Aro gestured for the rest of the guard to leave quietly, leaving the little family. Melody felt safe, like she belonged. And also she knew, that she had refound her family, her parents. They where a family again, and nothing would break it apart ever again. Caius would make sure of that.

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