Chapter Twelve. Betrayed.

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Months passed by and Melody was fullfilling more and more missions and at the same time her love for Alec was growing. Melody couldn't have been happier about her decision to claim Alec as her mate as he did truly brighten up her darkest days. 

Melody was laying on his bed reading a book, awaiting his return from a mission. Alec had been gone for a week and Melody had missed him dearly. She never liked it when they had to be apart, it always seemed that he took a part of her with him, a part that made her whole.
Her thoughts where interrupted by the door opening. Melody stood up to greet Alec, but before she could say another word, his lips had already been placed on hers while a hand held her face close and his other arm pulled her body closer to his. Melody smiled and returned his kiss while placing her hands flat on his hard chest. Alec pulled away and smiled. "I have missed you, my love. Any moment away for you feels like eternity." He whispered gently in her ear. Melody smiled and pecked his lips gently. "I know my love." she whispered against his lips. Alec smiled and took her hand, leading her to the balcony. The stars where shining bright and the full moon gave away a romantic feeling as it's ghostly light shone upon the small, Italien village. Alec wrapped his arms around her waist as he looked down on her. Melody looked up at him and slowly felt herself getting lost in his burgundy eyes. Alec cupped her cheek in his hand and gently kissed her lips once more. Melody closed her eyes and returned his kiss, only to be dissapointed when he pulled away too soon for her liking.
Melody opened her eyes to fin Alec on one knee, holding her hand in his. "My love, I wish nothing but for us to be together for our eternal lives. I want to bind myself to you in any way possible. So, my question is, will you fullfill my deepest desire and give me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked as he grabbed a small black box from his pocket, revealing a beautifull silver ring. It was woven by two strings of silver, one plain and one other holding several small rubies. Melody couldn't hold back her smile as she felt like the luckiest woman on earth in that moment. "Yes." was all she could say. Alec returned her smile and gently placed the ring on her finger. He stood up and pulled her close to him, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. Melody responded the kiss and felt Alec leading her towards his bed. He gently layed her down and climbed ontop of her, unclasping her cloak. Melody let him explore every part of her body as he let her explore every part of his. Their night filled with love and lust.

The news quickly spread of their engagement and the whole castle couldn't have been happier. Even Marcus smiled when the news had reached him. Caius was glad that his daughter's husband would be a well respected Guard and Athenodora was very happy that her daughter had found the same love her and Caius shared. Felix and Demetri would occasionally tease the couple after another night filled with love and Jane would always shut them off. Jane too was happy her brother finally found his mate, even though the desire for a mate of her own would remain. Everything seemed to be perfect for the couple, but sadly, their peace would soon be interrupted.

One late evening, Melody was reading about arts in the library. Nothing would have given away of the events that would occur, as it seemed like a normal, peacefull night. Maybe the only off thing would be that many guards and the masters where out on a mission to destroy a large army of newborns. But other than that, everything seemed normal. As Melody put away a book she had just finished reading, a smell of an unknown vampire hit her. She quickly turned around and hissed. "Who is here? Show yourself!" Melody demanded. A soft chuckle could be heard. "My, my. You have spend two years as the Volturi princess and you are already acting like it. Where is the shy vampire from the battle?" the vampire said as she slowly made his way into the light of the torch. "Vladimir? What are you doing here?" Melody asked feeling suspicious. Vladimir send Melody a sinister smile. "Ah, I am getting a slight déja vù." Vladimir said as he examined some of the books on a shelf. "The only difference is that there is no baby to kidnapp. And no Athenodora to plead for her beloved daughter to return." Vladimir spoke again, chuckling to himself at the thought. "You kidnapped me?" Melody asked, feeling rage fueling. It was because of this man that she had spend for over 1500 years without her true family. "Yes. Sadly enough I wasn't evil enough to kill a baby back then. Even I have morals. But now that you are a grown up vampire what would stop me now. I can not wait to see Caius' face once he sees his beloved daughter's head ripped off. Or Alec's face. Maybe I should send your head to his chambers, as a welcome back present?" Vladimir said, slowly approaching her like a pretator. "Who says they are gone?" Melody spat, trying to win time or scare him off. Vladimir laughed. "My dear, why do you think that those newborn armies was created. I know most of the guard is gone. I was hoping they would leave you here, and look. They indeed did leave you behind. A decision they would surely regret." Vladimir said as he lunged towards Melody. Melody turned into her mist and doged his attack. Vladimir growled. "Come on little princess. Don't fight your fate. Embrace it. I'll make it quick, I promise." Vladimir said as looked around for her mist. Melody knew that she wouldn't be able to hold her mist much longer so she ran. She tried to think of a save place to go. Outside wouldn't be an option as she knew more followers of Vladimir would have gathered there.
She stopped for just a second to decide where to go, but that was a second too long as she felt herself being tackled to the floor. Melody tried fighting him off but Vladimir got hold of her arm and ripped it off. Melody screamed in pain, holding the the remainign of her arm that was still attached. Vladimir laughed and lunged for her once more, but Melody kicked him off. She got up and ran again, but the pain from her missing arm was still lingering and soon enough she was once again pushed against the ground. She could feel cracks forming on her cheek and neck and knew it would soon be over. Melody growled and tried to throw Vladimir off of her. She refused to go out without a fight. She was a Volturi and she would fight until the bitter end. Vladimir cupped her face in his hands and started to pull slowly, creating more cracks on her neck.
But before he could finish what he had started, Vladimir screamed in pain and dropped to the floor. Melody quickly got up and looked around. She found Jane, Caius and Alec standing there. All three had a look of pure fury in their eyes. Alec quickly made his way to Melody, holding her arm. Alec spit some venom on her arm and attached it back to her body while examining for any other possible cracks besides the ones on her neck and face that where slowly healing again. "I-I am alright Alec." Melody whispered to him. She was truly glad they had returned just intime. Alec kissed her forehead and slowly walked towards Vladimir, whose arms where held back by Caius and Jane. "You have the honor, Alec." Caius said. Alec nodded his head. "Thank you, master. Jane? If you'd please." Alec asked. Jane smiled sadisticly as she used her gift on Vladimir once more. Alec slowly ripped Vladimir's head off while Caius and Jane did the same with his arms, making Vladimir's death a rather painfull one. Jane burned the remains and Caius made his way towards his daughter, pulling her into a rare embrace. "Are you alright, my child?" he asked as he also checked for any possible cracks. "Yes, thank you father." Caius nodded his head. "Alec, take her to her chambers. I believe she has had enough adventure for one night." he said turning towards Alec. "Yes master." Was all Alec said as he picked Melody up bridal style and in human speed made his way towards Melody's room, making sure she would rest.

A few days went by as Melody recovered from her assault. Melody was just reading a book when Alec entered her chambers, a worried expression on his face. "My love, can we talk?" he asked. "Ofcourse. What is wrong?" Melody asked as she put her book away. Alec sat down next to her and grabbed both her hands into his, running his tumbs over her fingers. "Master Caius and I have discussed things. And it seems better for the guard and the safety of the Volturi if you'd join your mother and Sulpicia in the tower." Alec said looking at her. Melody frowned. "And what if I refuse?" Melody asked. "Please, my love. I need you and this is the only way to keep you safe." Alec asked, bringing her hands to his lips and kissing them. Melody ripped her hands away and stood up. "Why don't you go be locked away in a tower then. huh? I mean that would be safer for you." Melody said, fury rising up in her. Alec glared and also stood up. "I am the most dangerous weapon of the guard along with my sister. We are needed. But your gift isn't needed in battle so that is why you will stay in the tower. I wouldn't be able to fight and be loyal to my masters if you where dead! So either you go to the tower by your own free will, or I'll drag you down there!" Alec shouted. Melody flinched slightly, Alec had never shouted at her. Melody sighed and looked at her feet defeated. "Very well then. Can you give me some time to pack?" Melody asked looking into Alec's burgundy eyes that where now gentle again. Alec nodded his head and gently pecked her lips. "Thank you for agreeing, my love. Take as much time as you need." he said before leaving her chambers. Melody sighed and packed a small bag filled with her most precious belongings. "I am truly sorry, my love. But I refuse to live the rest of my eternity in a tower." Ad with that said, Melody turned her body into mist and dissapeared, leaving no trace behind. Nothing but a small note saying she loved Alec, and that it pained her to leave him, but that her freedom was more important to her.

A scream of pain filled Volterra an hour later. Alec had come to ask if his beloved fiancée had finished packing, only to find her room empty and a small note laying that would break is ice cold heart. The thing that he was most affraid off did indeed happen. She had left him.

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