Chapter Sixteen. Distractions

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Melody slowly walked up her room. It had been an hour since her Masters found out Alec was missing. Melodys heart was aching. She missed her mate, even though he sometimes crossed her line she still loved him. Melody sat on her bed and sighed. That is until she found a letter on jer nightstand. Melody quickly opened the letter hoping to find a clue as to where Alec might be, but what she read completely shattered her frozen heart.

I don't quite understand why you don't want to marry me, but I am done waiting. I get the hint. And I guess we are not truly mates if that is how you feel.
I am taking off to never return again. I am sorry, but seeing you everyday, knowing you will never fully be mine, hurts everyday. But don't worry. I will find someone else just like you will. And just like we deserve.
Truly yours,

Melody felt venom burning in her eyes. That was it. She waites for too long and now he left, to find another woman who would give him the live he needed. Melody gently held the letter to her chest as dry sobs escaped her lips. He was gone, left her. Maybe he had already found another vampire to love. Maybe he was laying in her arms, feeling happy. Melody sighed in pain and looked at her hand where her engagementring laid on her finger. Melody dry sobbed more as she shakingly removed the rong from her finger and layed it on her nightstand Suddenly she felt very anger rise inside of her and she started to throw many things across the room. How dare he?! How dare he leave her like that! But then Melody sank to the floor, hands tied in her hair from frustration. She knew he had every right too leave her like that. It was the exact same thing she had done to him. Only Melody qould have returned home, back in his arms eventually, yet he would never return again. And with that Melody was defeated.

Because of Alec's dissapearance, Melody had become cold. She wouldn't talk unless it was absolutely neccessairy. Aro had decided to give Alec some space and reassured Melody that he would return home. Caius on the other hand wanted Alec back as soon as possible. He hated seeing his daughter hurt so much. Caius seeked revenge and he would punish Alec dearly once he would return. However, things would change soon.

It had been nearly two years since Alec had left her, and Melody still felt very cold inside. Her heart was missing and Alec took it with him.
Melody had been deep in thought when she was suddenly pulled aside, a hand over her mouth. Melody quickly turned into her mist and was ready to attack, that was until a very familiar chuckle rang through the quiet summer air. "Caleb? Is that you?" Melody asked surprised. "Certainly." He said as he stepped out of the shadow. He was just as handsome as Melody could remember. His black hair, pale skin, crimson eyes and very, very musculair body along with two sleeves covering his pale arms.  

The burning in Melodys throat was satisfied and she dropped the dead farmer onto the ground. "Carefull little one. You should hunt with more care." An angelic voice spoke behind Melody. Melody quickly turned around and hissed at the intruder. The stranger chuckled and stepped into the moonlight. He had thick black hair that was cut short, his pale skin seemed to light up slightly, he was very musculair and his eyes. His crimson eyes seemed to hold hers in their grip. But Melody quickly recovered and stood up. "What do you want?" She snarled at him, showing no fear. Melody was still a newborn and norhing matterd but the burning in her throat that she needed to satishfy. "I am here to help you. Clearly you are a newborn and no one explained the rules to you yet, it seems." He said as he took another step towards her. Melody didn't quite trust him and took another step back. "I am Caleb. Mind giving me yours?" He asked as he held out his hand for her to take. Melody eyed his hand suspiciously, bit gave in eventually. "Melody." She said as she placed her hand in his. "Melody. What a lovely name." Caleb said before kissing her hand. If Melody could have blushed she would have. This man was intriguing her and pulling her towards him. "Now come on little one, let me show you how to be a vampire while keeping that fair head ontop of your shoulders." Caleb said, treating her to a playfull smirk that gave her a funny feeling in her stumache.

Melody felt the same feeling returning in her belly. Caleb send her one of his smirks and Melody chuckled. "What are you doing here?" She asked curiously. Caleb sighed sadly. "I heard your mate left you, and thought that I would try and cheer you up." He said, sending another playfull smirk towards her. Melody smiled and was happy that her old friend was here. "Thank you, but I am not sure if you can." Melody said feeling another wave of sadness passing through her body. "Let me atleast try." Caleb said offering his hand. Melody debatted whether or not to do it bit choose to agree on his offer. Alec moved on, and so will she.

"I can not believe you just jumped down the tower with a backflip." Melody said giggling as Caleb sat down next to her again. Caleb had been by her side for the last six months and Melody had smiled more in those six months than in the past two and half years since Alec had gone away. "Anything to see your beautifull smile." Caleb said as he gently stroked her cheek. Melody bit her lip as she slowly leaned to his hand for the first time. Caleb smiled and looked into Melodys crimson eyes with his own. And before they knew it, their lips where almost touching. Almost.
"Melody! Demetri has found Alec!" Jane said, suddenly busting into Melodys room. And with that news, Melodys heart seemed to drop and almosr beat at the exact same time.

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