Chapter Seven. Games

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"Again!" Jane said as Melody got tackled down by Felix again. Melody started to grow annoyed as this was the 20th time Felix had won and got her down. Melody got up and glared at Felix, whom had an amused smile on his face. "Had enough sweetie?" Melody growled. She needed to find a tactic to bring Felix down. However, when Melody wanted to attack, a female vanpires entered the room. "Aro would like to see you Felix, Jane, Demetri." She announced and walked off again. Felix looked at Melody. "Rematch tomorrow?" He asked. "You bet. I will take you down however." Felix walked out laughing followed by Demetri and Jane, leaving Melody and Alec behind. 

"Can you still handle it being on the Guard?" Alec asked amused. Melody rolled her eyes at this. "It has been one day and you already doubt me?" She asked making her way to the corner of the room to grab her cloak and necklace, which she took off for training. However she was quickly turned around and pushed against the wall behind her. She looked up to find Alec looking down to her. "I don't doubt you or your abilities, Melody. I just doubt if you will be able to cope with us." Alec whispered in her ear and he slowly moved his face down to her neck, barely not touching with his nose he traced her neck up and down, taking in her delicioys scent. Melody felt trapped and used her gift. She felt her body turn into a dark mist and she quickly moved to the other side of the room before returning to her body. Alec turned around and smiled playfully at her. "You broke the rule of not using your gift." Alec said as he slowly approached her again, as if she was his prey. Melody watched him closely mot really sure what to do. Was this part of the regular training? She didn't have much time to think about it as Alec lunged foreward, trying to tackle her doen but she dodged it. Alec turned around facing her again, that amused smile still playing around his lips. Melody watched his rvery move and kept on dodging his attacks. As she dodged his fifth attempt to grab her Alec grew annoyed and growled lowly. "What's wrong? Can't catch me?" Melody said, pretending to be innocent. Alec growled lowly again but saw his chance and tackled her down to the ground, her hands pinned above her head. "I always win, my darling. Always." Alec whispered as he once again moved his face up and down her neck. Melody bit her lip not knowing what to do. Alec confused her.

Melody made her way from the library towards the throne room as she was requested. Melody had tried to take her mind off from the events that had accured the this morning. Alec was playing some kind of gane with her. Every time he touched her, she needed more of him. It had taken her alot of willpower to escape his grip but she did. She had used her gift and fled out of the training room, leaving Alec on the floor where she had just been trapped underneath him. 

Melody entered the throneroom, bowed at her masters and father and took her place right between Caius and the twins. Melody could feel Alec's eyes burning on her, but she refused to look up. She refused to give him that satishfaction. A man was brought in, he looked at the guards with terrified eyes. Melody looked at the man feeling slightly pity. "I never meant too Aro! I never meant to go against the Volturi!" The man pleaded. Aro smiled his sinister smile. "Ofcourse not my dear Michael. But we can not tollerate your behavior." Michael's eyes grew wide by these words. "Melody, my dear, would you like to do the honor?" Aro asked looking at Melody. Melody knew he wanted to test her out, but she couldn't care less. She made her way behind the vampire. As Felix and Demetri ripped the mans arms off, Melody ripped his head off in a swift motion, never once showing reject or guilt. Melody dropped tge mans head and took her usual spot next to Alec and Caius again. "Very well done my dear." Aro said, a satishfied smile on his face. Melody bowed her head slightly. Caius looked at her with pride in his eyes and he gave her a gentle smile. Melody smiled back at her father, knowing she had done well. 

As Melody made her way back to her room after dinner, Alec walked next to her. "Goodevening." She said politely, hoping he would leave soon. She was not in the mood for his games right now. "Goodevening. You did well with the execution today. Never thought you could do it." Alec said. "I have killed many creatures in my life, including vampires." Melody said as the had reached her door. A playfull smile made it's way onto Alec's lips. "Is something bothering you, darling?" He asked as he slowky approached her. "No." Melody replied as she took a step back, her back hitting the door. Alec's smile never left his face as he pushed her closer to the door, trapping her between it and his body. "What kind of game do you think think you are playing?" Melody asked, trying to keep her voice steady as his nose once again ttaced up and down her neck. "You will know soon enough. Until then, I wish you a pleasant night." He whispered as he placed a featherly light kiss on her jaw beforr walking off, leaving Melody confused and dazed.

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