Chapter Eighteen. Refound Love

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Many decades past. Alec slowly became the man he once was. No fear left inside him. None but one. Losing his mate. That fear never left him. Melody on the other hand slowly regained her love for Alec once more. But, they where far from being the lovers they used to be.

Melody was in the library where she spends most of her immortal days. Her eyes black, throat burning but resisting the urge to feed. She liked to stay put in the library, away from everyone and especially the pained expression he always seemed to have everytime he looked at her.
Melody closed her book and sighed as she rubbed her temples. Even though she would never be tired physically, mentally it was a complete different thing. Due to being awake at all times, rest never truly comes to a vampire which can make them feel mentally drained, and Melody has felt mentally drained ever since Alec dissapeared.
The library door gently opened, but Melody did not open her eyes, knowing very well who it was. "Love? Come on, you really need to feed." Alec's soft voice spoke from behind her. Melody sighed and nodded her head. "Yes. I guess you are right." Melody said as she put her book onto the table and stood up, and hesitated before placing her hand into his outstretched one. Alec gently enclosed his fingers around Melody's hand and held it securely into his own, leading her down the stairwell to the throneroom where Heidi would soon appear with their feast.

Heidi arrived ten minutes later with many, happily chatting humans. Demitri and Felix securely closed the heavy doors behind the humans before Aro stood up and opened his arms in a greeting kind of way. "Dear humans. We would like to thank you for traveling all the way to Volterra, Italy as your final destination." Aro started and he put his hands together as if praying. "Truthfully, your sacrifice is much appreciated." He once again opened his arms inviting the vampires to feast, and that they did. Melody, smelling the spilling blood from the already attacked humans, felt her instincts kick in and no humanity was left. All that was on her mind was the need to feed on the fresh nectar that linguired inside the humans.
Melody quickly grabbed the closest human and sinked her teeth into the neck, releasing the sweet nectar that immediately soothed the burning feeling in her throat. Melody closed her eyes and moaned slightly in relief as she dropped the woman to the ground feeling the blood go through he body, making her stronger and satishfied. Melody slowly opened her eyes to see Alec standing infront of her, holding a struggling man in one hand. "Like to share?" he asked, giving her a small, playfull smirk. Melody chuckled and nodded her head before sinking her teeth into the man's neck while Alec sunk his teeth in the man's neck on the other side, sharing the blood and at the same time both their venoms mixing with the blood.
When the man was drained from his blood, the two vampires dropped it to the ground while looking into eachothers now bright crimson and burgundy eyes, feeling like they where the only people on the planet. Alec couldn;t help himself but to pull his mate close to him and claim her lips with his, not caring who could see them. Melody gave in and kissed him back, as she did like it was their first kiss. The kissed as if it was the first time they ever tasted eachother's lips, almost like addicts finally being reunited with their cause of addiction.

When the two vampires finally pulled away from eachother, all of the other vampires had left, giving the two mates some spce to discuss things. Alec gently stroked her cheek while looking into her eyes. "I love you so much it almot hurts. I promise, that note was not mine and I would never leave you for any reason except for death." he whispered to her while holding her close to his body, affraid she could dissapear at any minute. Melody smiled a real and genuine smile for the first time in decades. "I love you too, so much more than any other vampire could have ever loved." Melody replied while placing her hand on his cheek, gently stroking along his jawline. A;ec leaned closer to her hand, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment. Melody smiled as she watched all his features. His perfect jawline, his straight nose, his slightly full lips and the intoxicating smell he left behind. Alec slowly opened his burgundy eyes and looked straight into her crimson ones. "How about a third try and take another chance?" He whispered. Melody looked at him confused before Alec sunk down on one knee once more. "Melody Volturi, You are my mate, the one I was destined to be with. I lost you once, but I never want to lose you again. Will you give it one more shot and hope for success? Will you marry me?" Alec asked as he pulled out the engagement ring once more. Melody smiled and sat down on her knees infront of him. "Yes. I would like to take one more shot and hope for the best." She whispered. Alec smiled as he gently placed the ring on her finger once more, now to stay there for all eternity. Melody cupped his face into her hands and gently captured his lips with hers once more, sharing a gentle and passionate kiss that was filled with their love for eachother. 

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