Chapter Nineteen. The long awaited Wedding

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Melody was once again found in Alec's room, head on his bare chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her. Vampires could not sleep, but they both felt so relaxed that they might as well be in a state of rest. Alec gently tangled and untangled his fingers in Melody's black locks while Melody's fingers gently played with his necklace.
The two vampires enjoyed their last night together as an engaged couple, for tomorrow would be the day they would finally vow their eternal love an loyalty towards eachother. Melody sighed as she saw the morningsun slowly creeping through the curtains. She slowly pecked Alec's lips before getting up, from his grip. Alec growled slightly in annoyance and pulled her back to him. "I really need to be in my room when Heidi and Jane come to collect me." Melody whispered, even though she was happy to just lay in his arms for the rest of her eternity. Alec sighed in defeat and kissed her lips once more before slowly removing his arms from her waist. "I will see you in three hours, my love." She whispered against his lips. "I can not wait, amore mio." he whispered back, the last two words coming from his lips with a thick italian accent which made Melody slightly shiver in pleasure. She pecked his lips one more time before pulling away. She quickly put on a bathrobe and made her way towards her room, laying down in bed and readin a book.

Not even ten minutes had passed as Heidi and Jane walked into her room, Heidi carrying Melody's wedding gown and Jane carrying make-up and hair supplies. Melody took a deep breath and let the two female vampires work on her hair and face as they pleased. They helped Melody into her wedding gown and finished her look with a small tiara, a long veil and her Volturi necklace. Melody looked at herself in the mirror and was glad that crying was not an option for her. This truly was the day. Everything would be just fine. A soft knock was heard and her mother and father walked into the room. Athenodora gasped and rushed to her daughter to hug he tightly, while Caius seemed lost for words as his eyes softened. Melody answered her mothers embrace and felt more tears push behind her eyes. Athenodora pulled away and kissed her daughters forehead in a motherly way. "You look truly mesmerizing." she says smiling. Melody smiles back. "Thank you mother."
The last soft knock was heard on the door as Chelsea walked in. "It's time." She says with a gentle smile. Melody felt nervous and took another deep breath as Caius stood next to her and offered her arm. "You look gorgeous." He says before kissing his daughters cheek, something he rarely did. Melody smiled and followed her father down the many stairs to the garden.

The music started as the guests stood up, ready to catch a glimpse of the bride. Alec was anxiously waiting for his bride to arrive. He wanted to assure his mate would be his in any way possible. Soon the bride and her father slowly walked down to aisle, towards the bride's groom. For both Alec as Melody, the walk seemed to take centuries and when Caius placed Melody's hand into Alec's, everything was right. Alec smiled at her, his burgundy eyes filled with love, while Melody returned his smile and felt like they where the only vampires on this earth.
When the guests sat back down, the priest started to talk. Time seemed to stand still, as the couple made their vows.
"I, Alec Volturi, take thee, Melody Volturi, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for the last day to forever, and thereto I pledge myself to you." Alec spoke as he looked into his brides eyes, putting all his love into his vows, giving himself to her. Melody felt her eyes tear up as it was her turn to vow and give herself to him. I, Melody Volturi, take thee, Alec Volturi, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for the last day to forever, and thereto I pledge myself to you." Alec smiled and gently took her small hand into his as he slipped a golden band onto her finger. "Melody, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity." Alec kissed her hand gently before laying his hand into her small one, letting her slip his wedding band onto his finger. "Alec, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity." Alec smiled as he gently grabbed her hand and stroked it with his thumb. The priest smiled and continued talking. 

"Melody and Alec, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife.
You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more. But today the feeling is new. No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husband and wife and can now seal the agreement with a kiss. Today, your kiss is a promise. A promise to forever.
You may kiss the bride."

Alec smiled brightly as did his bride when he wrapped one arm around her waist and caressed her cheek with his other hand. Melody smiled as she gently placed her hands around her neck while his lips found hers, sealing their vows. The world once more seemed to stop as they felt the love for eachother flow through their lips into their bodies. They waited many years, but finally the moment had arrived. They where now oficially husband and wife. And there wasn't a power in the world, not a force that could ever break them up, as they where truly mates. Forever

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