Chapter Nine. Farewell

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How about we all go hunt?" James asked once Alec and Jane had returned in Melody's room. "I am up for it." Felix said as he stood up. "So am I. It has been a while since we truely hunted." Demetri said. "Jane, Alec?" James asked, a polite smile on his face. "Sure. It could be entertaining." Jane said. Alec looked at Melody but she refused to meet his eyes. Alec frowned slightly but nodded his head in agreement. James smiled in excitement. "Let us go then." he said and ran out, followed closely by the rest of the vampires. Melody stayed behind alittle, trying to avoid looking at Alec as much as she could, but she could still feel his eyes on her every once a while.

The Volturi vampires and any other vampire where not allowed to hunt in Volterra, that is why they ran until they reached the city Piombino, which layed in the province of Livorno, Tuscany. Soon enough the six vampires where back to their nature, feasting upon the humans whom where still roaming the streets. James liked to play with his food before he would end them. Jane regularly inflicted pain upon her victims before finished them. Felix and Demetri finished theirs quickly, just wanting to feed. But Alec, Alec was probably the most sadistic. He would bring fear upon his victims, by slowly cutting off their senses. All but one. They could still feel his bite and how they where slowly drained from their blood and their life. Melody's way of feeding was quite alike Alec's. She would turn into her mist from, slowly hunting her victim down, and once they where slowly becoming paranoid she would kill them off. Back when she was with the Irish coven, Siobhan and Liam didn't approve of this way of hunting. Even though they feeded on humans, they Always made it a quick one. But Melody had always found that quite boring, yet obeyed Siobhan's wish as her coven was the only family she had and she enjoyed being in their coven.

The sun was slowly rising to the horizon once the vampires had quenched their thirsy and made their way back to the castle. Once they had reached the front gates, James stopped. "I'll be back soon." he said towards Melody specifically. Melody watched him confused as James ran away. he however returned within a minute, a swordholder in his hand. He handed it to Melody, a smile on his face. "I found it a couple of years ago in an antique shop." James said as Melody pulled out the sword and gasped. It was her old sword. She had gotten rid of it the minute they burned the ship down. The sword looked old but still Majestic, rubies decorated the guard of the sword, which in itself had a femine twirl on it, the pommel had a large sapphire in it and it was still as beautiful as she could remember. There was only one thing that had changed. The words Eternity and Eternamente where craved in either side of the blade, right under the guard. Melody looked at James questioning. "Ah yes, I made a small adjustment. You may not be a pirate now, but it will be in your blood, theoratically speaking ofcourse, for eternity. And I got it done in Italian when I heard about you joining the Volturi. I found it fitting." James explained with a cheesy smile. Melody chuckled and embraced James, kissing his cheek gently before pulling away. "Thank you. I am glad you found it." Melody said honestly. James smiled. "Well I guess I shall be on my way again. But I am affraid that I will not return this time." James said, every trace of humour gone. Melody looked at him with shocked eyes. "Why?" James closed his eyes and smiled. "You reached your final place to be. Everything will be fine now. You no longer have to roam around the earth anymore, Melody." Melody knew what that meant. It meant that Alec was truly her mate. James gift was to see every vampire's mate. Even when they had already passed away or had to be born yet, James could see them. He could see them all except for his own mate. Before she met James, Melody had been very lonely. Aching for love. Aching for a mate of her own. James knew this and he once made Melody the promise that he would keep returning until she had found her mate so she would never have to be lonely anymore. Even after she had found a coven he would still return ever few decades. But now it was time for them to let eachoter go.

Melody nodded her head and embraced her friend for the last time, knowing he would not come back anymore. James returned her embrace and whispered softly in her ear. "Open your heart, Melody. Let him in." Venom was burning in her eyes, tears that would never spill as she nodded her head. James pulled away and smiled one more gentle smile towards her before he walked away, up a hill into the morning sun. "Farewell, my old friend." Melody whispered softly, holding onto the sword. And then he was gone.

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