Chapter Six. Burgundy Eyes

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Melody was wondering around the castle, thinking back about everything her parents just told her. Caius had some business to take care off and Athenodora left her daughter to process everything she had just been told.

Melody's thought where suddenly interrupted when she smelled that luring smell again. She blinked her eyes and looked around her. She walked around a corner and soon found the twins making their way towards the throne room. Jane nodded her head politely at Melody as she walked past her. Alec however stopped dead in his tracks and stared down at her, and Melody's eyes seemed to be glued to his face. He was defiantely the most beautifull man Melody had ever seen. His dark brown hair neatly cut, his body slim but well build, his lips where nicely filled and all she wanted was to touch those lips, his smell has been the one that had lured Melody all this time and his eyes, his beautifull burgundy eyes where the thing that made Melody stopped dead in her tracks. "Alec?" Jane's voice suddenly pierced through their trance. "Yes I am coming sister. Melody." Alec nodded his head politely and ripped his eyes away from Melody's confused face, following his sister into the throne room. Melody shook her head lightly, trying to get her focus back and continued exploring the castle.

After a while a vampire, what Melody believed was Demitri walked to her. "You missed dinner time." He said once he had reached her. "Oh, eh." Melody said, feeling her throat burn at tje thought of feeding. "We left you three humans in the throneroom. Master Caius said you didn't know dinner time yet. Follow me please." Demitri said as he started to make his way towards the throneroom. "Ehm, thank you." Melody said as she followed him, her new cloak brushing against the floor as she walked. 

The usual guard was in the throneroom, along with three humans in the middle whom looked terrified. Melody felt the last bit of crimson leaving her eyes, making them completely black once she smelled the blood coming from the humans. "Go ahead my dear. I am sure you are thirsty." Aro said, geasturing with his hand to the humans. Melody couldn't care less about the vampires watching her roght now. She was hungry and her vampire instinct kicked in. Melody quickly jumped ontop of a human, biting down into her flesh, drinking her dry. The first human was, as usual, empty too quickly so she moved onto the second, and then the third. Finishing the third she felt satishfied. She pulled away and whiped the small bit of blood from the corner of her mouth. "Thank you." Melody said looking at Aro. A vampire made his way inside and grabbed the three bodies. He bowed and made his way out of the throne room. "My dear Melody, Caius, Marcus and I have been discussing things. Caius rather has you along with your mother in the tower, safe from any more possible harm. However, I would like to welcome you into the Guard. I believe we can train your gift even more than you have done in your life so far. But it is up to you." Aro said, a smile on his face. Melody bit her lip and thought about it. She didn't wanted to spend the rest of her eternity locked in some tower. But being a Guard meant fighting and even more people to know whose daughter she was, meaning more danger for her. But maybe alittle danger would be good. She could always try it. "I'd like to join the Guard. I would like to put my gift to good use." Melody said looking at Aro. Aro smile grew wider and he clapped his hands. "Very well my dear. Very well. Your training will start tomorrow. Everyone dismissed." All of the guard walked out and sped away to wherever they usually went to kill time. Melody started to make her way towards her room when a hand grabbed her arm. She looked up to meet with the burgundy eyes of Alec. Alec seemed slightly annoyed. "Yes?" Melody asked. "Why didn't you join your mother in the tower. That is way safer for you." Melody glared and pulled her arm away. "I am not planning to spend the rest of my eternity into a tower. And why would you care anyway?" Alec looked slightly taken back and sighed. "Very well. May I escort you back to your room?" He asked politely. "Melody bit the inside of her cheek to hide her smile. "Sure." She replied as she started to make her way towards her room. Once reached, they both stopped. Melody looked at her shoes while Alec looked at her with intrest across his face. "We will start training at 9 in the training room next to the throne room. And don't think we will go slow on you, just because you are Caius' daughter." Alec said, sending Melody a playfull grin. Melody smiled. "I would have been dissapointed if you would. See you tomorrow, Alec." Melody said as she entered her room. "See you tomorrow, Melody." Alec said, sending her a small smile and walked away.

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