Chapter One

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"Black Sheep of Europe! Black Sheep of Europe! Britain's a Black Sheep of Europe and everybody knows it!"

"Shut up Frog Face!"

"Should we stop them?" China asks Russia. As he peers over to Russia he could see his eyes filled with delight.

"No. I say sit back and enjoy show." Russia replies as he then comfortably sits down in one of the chairs in the room. China then soon follows his actions.

"How long have they been going at it for?" Germany asks America as he rubs his eyes in annoyance.

"Dunno, Dude. Like a billion years." America then laughs and begins to stuff his face with a fizzy drink and a burger.

"I want a real answer America." Germany growls at America.

"Dunno, Germany. Like four hours. Or at least something like that." He says as his mouth was full of food.

"Disgusting." Germany then sighs, standing up from his chair and walks away from the meeting room, but stops as Italy clutches on his arm for dear life as a cat starts to lick his hand, "Ah! Germany! It's attacking me. It hurts so bad!"

Germany groans and forces Italy off his arm. He then stomps out of the meeting room completely and slams the doors shut.

The whole room then fell silent as all eyes focused on the closed door, anticipating what would happen next.

"Bloody hell."

"Yeah, Dude. What the hell was that?"

"Duh. Angleterre annoyed him."

"Shut up France! You annoyed him too!"

The fight between France and England then continued, causing the many nations in the meeting room to be filled with groans and sighs.

"Yo! Dudes! Shut up!" America calls out but only to be ignored by the two nations.

"You know what, I'm going. I can't stand being in the same room as Frog Face any more." England finally says as he pushes past all the nations that were in front of him and then closes the door behind him.

The whole room is then filled with relieved sighs as every knew that the fight had stopped. . . For now.

"Ha ha ha. Well done France. You pissed him off. That's like totally funny." America then bursts into a fit of laughs again.

The door to the meeting room then reopens to reveal England holding his wand in one hand, an old tome in the other.

"I'll show you not to mess with the British Empire!" England shouts and began to chant words of gibberish towards France, not realising that it would effect the other countries.

"Woah! Dude! Calm down!." America cries out.

"Calm down, mon amie! I meant nothing to what I said!" France panics frantically as he flails his arms around in defence.

England then twirls his hand around, a dark purple swirl swirls around his wand, then his body.

The dark swirl first hits France, a loud shriek fills the room as the dark purple swirl slowly starts to turn into a bright violet.

The swirl is then passes to America and he drops his drink in the process, the fizzy drink staining the red carpet. The burger too fell on the floor, the many sections of the burger separating from each other.

It then passes to Canada, who sadly sits in the back corner of the room. He let's out a loud gasp and leaps out of his chair. The swirl then turns into the bright violet again, just like France's.

The same things kept happening to the many different nations in the room: Japan, Italy, Russia and China.

Germany then returns into the meeting room, only to be tangled in the dark swirl.

"What the hell! Sheiße!"

The swirl then finally hits Britain. He drops his wand and tome, grabbing onto the bottom of his shirt as the swirl surrounds his whole body.

The swirl then disappears from the room completely, only to be left with shocked faces.

Every single person in the room had turned into their younger selves. The spell that Britain had casted had turned them into nineteen year olds. The only difference in their age is the difference in months.

"What the bloody hell." England mumbles as he looks down at his hands, looking at them if they came from a different planet, or person.

"What the hell did you do Limey!" America shouted as he storms over to England, grabs onto his shoulders, and starts to shake his viciously.

"My beautiful face! Ruined!" France cries and starts to hug himself to comfort.

"What the. . .?"

"England. What did you do to us?"

England turned to look at Canada, his eyes in shock as he looks at the now younger Canadian.

"I. . . I. . . I-I cannot answer that question. I don't know. This wasn't supposed to happen." England mumbles out to him, "it was only meant for France."

"Well done Limey! You just turned us into our younger selves again!" America then starts to complain about all the bad things of his new self.

He then stopped and turns around to look at England in annoyance, "That means I have to go to School!"

"Only if you want to though." China spoke out."

"No. I must. I must be smarter then Canada!"

"Never gonna happen, mon amie." France says as her recovered from his crying form.

"How about we go to the same university and wait for Britain to find a cure?" Germany reasons as he looks at himself in a mirror.

"You need to find reverse spell for this Britain." Russia then turns to look at the Brit.

"Or you never see the light of day."

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