Chapter Eleven

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Elise's P.O.V

I open the door to Arthur's dorm, closing the door behind me. I take of my shoes and make my way to the dining room, where we would normally figure out how to lift the curse.

As I reach the archway, I lean on the frame, watching as Arthur flipped through multiple pages.

"Hello Arthur."

He jumps slightly at the sudden sound of my voice and looks over to the door way, "Hello Elise." He then gives me a weak smile and turns back to his books.

I sigh and push myself off the frame, making my way over to the table, sitting on the chair that was opposite his chair, "So, what spell do you have of lifting the spell you caused accidently."

He laughs to himself and lifts himself up from his chair, walking around the table as he talked, "I hardly call it an accident now that I think about it." He states as he sits down on the chair next to mine, "all my life, I've never seen Francis so passionate towards someone like Louise before."

I raise an eyebrow at him and look from him to the books, "Are you telling me that you're acctually happy for Francis?" I question him, "I thought you hated him? I mean, you always fight him, although I will admit, you haven't lately."

"It's probably because I'm more focused on the curse then anything." He claims.

"But if your so happy for Francis, why destroy his happyness?" I ask him, "you can see how happy he is with Louise, we all can, so why try to make it difficult for him when - if he goes back to actual age?" I then look back at him, now more focused on Arthur then the books.

He sighs and looks down, "I don't want to destroy his happyness, I've already done that one, I don't want to do it again." He then looks up, "Besides I think I've fallen in love with someone as well."

"With who?" I question again.

"I. . . I can't say." He says slowly.


"Because I-"

"If you love them, like Francis does with Louise, why not just leave the curse as it is?" I cut him off.

"Because I-"

"It surely can't be-"

All of a sudden, Arthur grabs the back of my neck and places his lips on mine. I look at him with widened eyes before closing them slowly, now rapping my arms around his neck. Arthur then pulls away, looking straight into my eyes.

"Because I worry about your's and Louise's life because of Oliver and the rest of them."

He then lets go of my neck and looks to the books, "I like you, by the way." He then drags a book towards us both, "Can we now start?"

I nod, still in shock from the kiss and sitting in silence, looking towards the books Arthur pulled towards us both.

"I need a drop of blood from every nation to try out the spell." He then pulls another book towards us, "I will then use this spell." He then points to the needle on the table, "I will have everyone poke the needle into their skin, letting a small amount of blood flow onto their finger and then I will cast the spell." He explains.

"How do we know if it works?" I ask him.

"We test it on me." He casually states.

"What?!?!?" I say shocked, "Are you insane?!?"

"Trust me." He simply says.

I sigh and nod in agreement. He smiles slightly and picks up the needle that randomly sat on the table.

He then stands up and walks to the empty space in the dining room. He pierces the needle into his skin, a small amount of blood flowing out. He then picks up his wand, beginning to chant the spell.

A dark blue swirl then surrounds him, similar to what happened when he casted the very first spell that caused everything. It then turns light blue and dissappear completely.

I look in amazement as Arthur patted the new clothes he was wearing. A green military outfit, with a light green dress shirt, black tie, and black boots.

He laughs out loud in amazement and looks at me, "It worked! It actually worked!"

He then grabs a hold of my shoulders and shakes my whole body, "We have to tell the rest of the nations!"


"Dude, why'd it like take so long to long to get the cure?" Alfred complains as all nine nations stand in a line.

"Because I have a lot of books on magic and it just took a while." Arthur states, "Besides, just be happy I found one."

"He has got a point America." Ludwig says to him.

"Ve~ he does!" Feliciano chirps happily.

"Da. I will be happy to be going back to haunt people."

"And I go back to panda."

I smile at all at them and look over to Louise, who was standing next to me with a sad face, "Why so upset French-Fryes?"

"Because I may lose Francis." She states.

I laugh to myself and look back at the nine guys, "you won't."

"What do you-"

"All right everyone, ready?" Arthur says to all of them.


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