Chapter Two

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"You know, mon amie, I don't mind this at all." France says as he looks at himself in the tall mirror. Soon after he starts to play with hair, still staring at the mirror.

"What?! Dude, are you like okay?" America asks as he looks through a box of his old clothes.

"It's only because he get to wear his 'stylish' old clothes again." Britain retaliates, folding his arms at his statement.

"It is not! Well. . . Maybe it is a little. . . b-but not much really." The Frenchman quickly stammers and turns back to look at the mirror.

"Besides I can find new people to flirt with." France added.

"People. . . So guys too." Canada mumbles, but loud enough for every country to hear.

The whole room then bursts into a fit of laughter at Canada's comment, and the fact that France's face was turning as red as a tomato.

"W-what! No! Only girls. No guys." France cries out.

"Ok, listen up!" China calls out, "we go to Gauken University and study until we get a reverse spell."

"Will there be uniforms?" Italy questions, hope swirling on his eyes, a bright smile on his face.

"Highly unlikely. It's a university. You don't normally wear uniform." England states.

"Ohhhh. . ." The bright smile soon leaves his face, now replaced with an upset one, "I wanted to play dress up."

"Dude. You can always go to Poland. He always needs some to play fancy pansy dress up with him." America comments on the subject before walking out the room. Most probably to be getting a burger.

"Poland does always like to dress up." Japan quietly states, agreeing with America as he read a manga.

"Ve~! I wil-"

"Nein. You won't." Germany butted in as he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt.

"We leave soon. Remember to pack clothes as we will be staying in one of the better dorms there."

"Hopefully around nice people." England says.

"Da~ and they can become one with me." Everyone in the room becomes silent and stare at Russia, but didn't even try to make a comment.

"That way everyone is nice and happy everyday." Russia adds.

The whole room sits in silence, everyone in disbelief at Russia's comment.

"Y-yo. . . Dude. I think I hear the car that's gonna take us to the university." America then runs out of the room, slamming the door rather quickly.

"Yeah. I do too." Canada mumbles and walks out of the room. Japan following shortly after.

"Slow down Canada-san." Japan calls out as he closes the door.

Now only Italy, Germany, England, France and Russia left in the room. Each nation, apart from Russia, starts to feel more awkward as a looming silence fills the room more and more.

"YO DUDES! WE NEED TO LIKE GO!" America shouts from near the entrance to the building, the voice then bouncing off the walls finally reaching the meeting room.

"Oh thank god!" Britain praises and barges out of the room.

"Wait for me Angleterre!" France cries out.


"This is utterly the worst thing we've ever had to do." England complains as he walks through the main doors to the dorms, everyone else right behind him.

As all nine nations walk through the halls, murmuring people peer over and start to look at the newcomers.

"Who are they?"

"No idea. . . But their hot."

"Whoa calm down."

"I hate the attention." Canada mumbles to himself as he walks beside America.

"I too don't like the attention." Japan agrees.

"Dudes, calm down. Enjoy it while it lasts." America says and speeds up ahead to the front.

"Where exactly are we going?" France questions and walks up next to America.

"We're going to our rooms." England states.

"What about after?" China calls out.

"We wait until I find a reverse spell." England says.

"This university is not that ba-"

"CARRIE!" a shouted voice echoed through the walls, cutting off Germany's sentence.

The whole group stops at the sudden shout, each one confused at the current situation.

"Germany, what was that?" Italy questions and he steps closer to him.

Multiple people around them then groan and sigh, already knowing what's going to happen.

"There they go again."

"This is the third time this week."


"Sorry Molly but it's too funny not to pass up." Another voice said. A burst of loud laughter could then be heard echoing throughout the corridor.

"The photo isn't that bad, Molly. You're just over reacting."

Two girls then rush around the corner, one holding a piece of paper and a phone, the other girl chasing after the other, a pissed expression on her face.

The two girls then barge through the group, knocking France and England to the floor. A faint 'sorry' could be heard before the two girls disappear around another corner.

"What the bloody hell. . ."

"Some people don't have manners do they." A voice states.

England's turns his head around to be faced with a different girl, whos face more calm then the two who came by only minutes ago.

The girl then reaches out her hand for England to take. He gladly takes it and the girl easy lifts him up.

"Elise, what the bloody hell are you doing?" Another voice says.

"Being nice and helping the newcomers, Louise." The girl 'Elise' said.

"I see that, but why? You're never nice." Louise says.

"I am. Just not to you." Elise says.

The two girls then look to see the rest of the group, France still on the ground.

Louise then helps up France and steps back next to Elise, "Louise Frye."

"Elise Kenway. Pleasure to meet you."

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