Chapter Three

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Elise's P.O.V

I stare at the boy now standing next to me, his blond, shaggy hair covering his emerald green eyes.

"Seeing as you know our names, it would be nice to know yours." I say and look at the rest of the group.

"Oh, right. . . I'm Arthur Kirkland." The boy next to me says.

"That's Francis Bonnefoy." Arthur then points to the man who Louise had helped up from the ground. He ran a hand through his blond, shoulder-length hair and stares at me and Louise with his blue eyes.


"That's Matthew Williams." Arthur then points to a guy at the very back of the group. I stare at him as he shyly waves and then smiles. He then looks away from us, the weird curl bouncing as he did so.


"Ludwig Beilschmidt." The guy with blond slicked-back hair and bright blue eyes waves at us with his free hand. His other hand being clung onto by a guy with brown hair with a strange curl poking out of his hair.


"Ve~. Ciao! I'm Feliciano Vargas! So happy to meet you!" The guy with the brown hair cheerfully greets.

"Right. That's Kiku Honda." I then look over to see that he was looking away from me and Louise. He mumbles  something to us, but I wasn't able to hear it.

"Yao Wang." I look over to see a slightly taller man then Kiku with his hair tied into a low pony-tail.


"Ivan Braginski." The guy just stares at us with a closed eyes and smile.

"Err. . . Hello?" I hear Louise confusingly greet.


"What did you just say?" Louise asks Ivan.

"Dude. That like totally doesn't matter. I'm Alfred F. Jones, The Hero!" The final guy says, pushing past Arthur and Francis, then posing in a heroic way.

"Hi, like we said, I'm Elise Kenway. And that's Louise Frye. Pleasure to meet you." I greet.

"Hi." I hear Louise greet awkwardly.

"So. . . What are you doing now? If you don't me asking?" I ask Arthur as me and Louise join them in their walk down the hallway.

"Going to our rooms, Dude!" Alfred buts in.

"Right. I see. . . We can show you if you want." I say.

"Wait,what?!" Louise cries out surprised.

"What?" I question.

"I'm not helping them." She states.

"Why not?" I ask, stopping in the hallway.

"Because. . . Reasons. . ." She says slowly.

I then walk up to her and talk to her in a whisper, "you will help them or I will personally tell them what you read on the Internet."

"You what! Okay, okay, fine. . . I guess I'll help." Louise finally agrees.

"Great! Follow me." I then continue down the hallway, practically dragging Louise with me.

"So, what brings you to a hell hole like this?" Louise casually asks the group of guys behind us.

"Éducation." Francis says.

"What did you say?" I question.

"That's hot." I hear Louise mumble.


"What?! Surprised that I speak the truth?" Louise states.

"Why am I friends with you?" I question to myself and Louise.

"I have no bloody idea. I question that myself sometimes." She says.

"Well here we are, the west wing of the dorms." I say to the guys behind me.

I then open the door and motion everyone to go ahead of me. I stare at everyone as they walk into the west wing, hearing them saying 'thank you', well apart from Alfred, he kinda shouted it out.

"So, I guess we'll se you around and about then." I say to the guys.

"Yes. We'll see you later." Arthur says.

"Bye. See you later." I then wave and walk off, back to my shared dorm with Louise.

I then look back to see that Louise was still with the group, "hurry up Louise, or I'm locking you out of our dorm."

"Jokes on you, Elise. I have a key with me!" Louise calls out to me.

"Actually, jokes on you, I have your key. I stole them." I then hold up her keys, the multiple key chains clattering with each other.

"You bloody wanker! Give them back!" She shouts out.

"I would love to but it's too much effort to go back to where you are now." I call out.

"I actually hate you." She says as she slowly catches up to me.

"No you don't."

"Okay, maybe I don't but-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Precisely. Now let's go. I'm starving."

I then open the door to our dorm and close the door behind us. I then reach for my phone, opening up the keypad, "Chinese?"


I laugh to myself and call the takeaway. I then put my phone away and sit on the sofa, and begin to read a book.

I then feel the sofa dip down next to me and I look over to see Louise staring at me weirdly. I then turn back to the book, not really paying attention to Louise.

"You know that group of guys we met." She asks.


"They were hot." She comments.

"I'm not surprised. You couldn't keep your eyes of Francis. Not only that but you said his French accent was hot, sooo. . ." I say, still focused on the book.

I then feel her punch my arm and I look over to see Louise with a pissed expression.

"What was that for? I was telling the truth." I question.

"I actually hate you." She says.

"No you don't. You love me, and you know it." I state.

"Shut up, you wanker!"

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