Chapter Ten

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Louise's P.O.V

I rest my chin in the palm of my hand, daydreaming the weird things in life. I sigh to myself and lift my head up from my hand, looking over at the news reporters talking nonsense about current news around the world.

I then hear a long sigh enter the living room and then a bundle of jumbled slurs and swears.

I look away from the news on the TV,  to see Elise with her head in her hands and her hair spiked in different directions. To put it in the most simplest way possible, she looked like a mess.

"What happened to you? Too frustrated that Arthur hasn't confessed to you yet but Francis has to me?" I tease her and smirk to myself, "it clearly shows who's got big enough balls to confront someone."

She then lifts her head from her hands and stares as me as if she wanted me dead. She then sighs heavily and places her head back into her hands.

"This whole week I've been trying to help Arthur after he told us of his problem." She mumbles into her hands, "so far we've found nothing and we have no more ideas on where to go."

"We might have to come to the conclusion that they will grow up from the age that they are now, living theirs lives as countries, starting at the age of nineteen." She adds, looking towards me, her chin resting in the palm of her hand like I had done earlier.

I smile brightly at her and lift myself off of the sofa and walk over to her. I then pat her shoulder in a jokey way and laugh out loud, "Hey! As long as I live the rest of my life with Francis, then I'm happy." I then stop laughing and sit down next to her, "Besides, when Arthur has big enough balls to confront his feelings to you, I'm sure you'll feel the same way I do."

She then looks at me with her brows raised and starts to slowly smile, "Have you finished with the dick jokes, French-Fryes?"

I laugh and and look away from her, the bright smile still plastered on my face, "Never in a million years."

We then laugh loudly at each other and slowly start to sit in a comfortable silence.

The sound of a phone ringing cuts off ny thoughts. I look over to see Elise dig through the back pocket of her jeans to feel that it was her phone being rung. She pulls it from her back pocket and her cheeks redden slightly at the callers name; Arthur.

I nudge the side of her stomach with my elbow and raise my eyebrows up and down in a silly way. In return I get hard punch in the side of my arm and I immediately push myself away from Elise and hug my arm close to my body.

"What the hell was that for?!?!?" I mouth to her.

She smirks at me and shrugs her shoulders at me before pulling the phone to her ear.

"Hello Arthur."

I stare at her smirking face closely, watching as it slowly turns from happy to stressed and fed up.

"Yeah. . . I'll be there as soon as possible."

Elise then sighs as she ends the call, her happy self now back to what it was when she had first entered the room.

"I need to go. Sorry I couldn't stay any longer. Would of been fun." She then pushes herself off the sofa and trudges her way over to the door, where all of our shoes were kept.

"Guessing Arthur needed you for a way to get rid of the curse?" I say as I rest my arm on the back of the sofa and look over my shoulder to speak to Elise.

"Yeah." She says to me, "even though all I think will happen is that we try the same thing over and over again, then try some other ludicrous thing." She states, as he slips on her coat.

Just as she was about to close the door I call out to her, "Hey Elise!"

She then walks back through the door, peering and leaning over the wall so she could see me, "Yeah French-Fryes?"

"Good luck."

She then smiles at me before walking back through the door and closing it properly.

I then sit in silence for the next couple of hours, contemplating about what to do. It was only after the fourth hour, that I could hear a knock on my door. I look over my shoulder again and call out to whoever was there, "It's open! You can come in!" The door then opens then closes the door, the footsteps nearing from the front door all the was to the living room.

I continue to stare at the news screen in boredom, not even listening to the politicians that were arguing on the screen. I didn't even bother to look who was even there until I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. I stood up from the sofa, started, and spun around to see Francis laughing under his breath.

I then smile and hug him tightly, "Hey Francis~" I then feel him hug me back and rest his chin on the top of my head.

"Bonjour, mon amour~"

I then pull away from the hug and look up at his face, "Are you okay? You're not normally like this."

He then sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"Arthur and Elise have found the cure, and they wanted you to be there."

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