Chapter Eight

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Louise's P.O.V

"Francis Bonnefoy! We need to talk now!" I call out to him as me and Elise make our way down the long corridor over to him.

Francis then turns around, facing away from Kiku, Yao, and Matthew, who he was talking to. He then smiles at us in a sweet way and walks a few steps towards us, arms wide open like he wanted a hug.

I then walk up to him, wave and smile in return, not wanting to hug him, even if I really wanted to. Francis then looks over to Elise, offering a hug. In return he just got a quick smile and a middle finger.

He then looks back to me, dropping his arms to his sides, and then smirks at me, "De quoi avez-vous besoin?"

I raise an eyebrow at him and give a quick glance over to Elise questionably, before quickly looking back at Francis, "What?"

"He asked you what do you need." Elise says as she pulls her phone from her pocket and begins to play on her phone.

I look back at her with the same questionable look, "How the hell did you know that?"

"I don't. But with the type of context you're speaking in, it only makes sense if he said that." She explains to me, not even bothering to look up from her phone.

"Right. . ." I then look back to Francis and mentally think about what to say.

 "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asks me as I continue to stare at him, contemplating about what to say.

I then cough into my hand and awkwardly rub the back of my neck, "So you know when I had met Oliver at the party?"

"Oui." He says as his smirk slowly goes and his voice turning into a concerned one.

"You met Oliver at the party Alfred held?" Kiku speaks up, cutting me off from what I was going to say next.

"Yes?" I say questionably to him.

"What did you do, Francis?" Matthew questions Francis in a fearful way.

Francis then lifts his hands in a surrendering way and turns around to look at them, smirking slightly at them, "I only helped her get away from him." He states.

"That's it?" Yao asks uneasily.

"Oui." Francis replies.

I then hear a sigh from next to me and I look over to see Elise putting her phone away and walking up to Francis. She then spins Francis away from the other guys so he's facing her.

"Look, I don't really what to be here because I'm really bored but I suggest you answer the question nice and easy." She begins to say.

"How the hell do you know Oliver? And why the hell was he trying to kidnap Louise at the party?" 

A silence fills the hallway as we wait for Francis to answer the question. I look around to see that there was now no one else in the hallway, apart from me, Elise, Francis, Kiku, Matthew and Yao. I then hear footsteps and look behind me to see the rest of the group running up to us. Ludwig, Arthur, Alfred, Ivan and Feliciano all stop beside us, panting as they recover from their running.

"Dudes. . . We were like. . . Looking for you everywhere." Alfred pants out as he looks at all of us, "What are you doing here anyway?" He adds.

"We were just asking Francis here a question." Elise explains.

"And what's that?" Ludwig asks.

"Why this Oliver guy was trying to kidnap Louise." She states plainly.

I then look over to the guys who just arrived and noticed that Arthur had now stood completely still, and the rest of them with shocked expressions. I then look back in Elise's direction to see Francis with a pained expression.

"He what?" Arthur slowly breaths out, like he was in total shock, "What did he say?"

"After Francis had helped me get rid of Oliver, he said 'May I see you again soon' before walking off out of the party." I explain to him.



"Shut up potato eater! This is Oliver we're talking about! The dude who can bake crazy cakes!" Alfred exclaimed.

"And Arthur's worst enemy." Ivan states.

"Worst enemy?" Elise questions.

"How about we talk about this later?" Ludwig asks all of us.

"Ve~ I'm scared!" Feliciano cries and hides behind Ludwig, "Ludwig! Hold me!" He then raps his arms around Ludwig.



"Nein! Let go you idiot!"

"We will talk about this after Louise learns why Oliver was trying to kidnap her and how Francis knew him." Elise says to all the guys.

"He's just an old friend, mon amie." He claims to all of us.

"An old friend? That's all." He comments.

"If he's a friend, then why did you help Louise when she met him. You must of clearly trusted him of he was an old friend."


"I helped her because I love her!"

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