Chapter Seven

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Elise's P.O.V

I feel someone shake my shoulder and I groan in my sleep, noting whoever was waking me up to leave me alone.

They then continue to shake my shoulder, still very persistent in waking me up. I finally release an annoyed groan and open my eyes slowly.

The bright light that shone from behind the person blinded me and I hiss in the sudden light. I look up again, my eyes now slightly adjusted to the bight light, and look over to the person again to see Arthur looking down at me with confused eyes, that were slightly covered with his bedhead hair.

"What are you doing in my dorm?" He asks me as he stands up, reaching out his hand for me to take.

I smile to him and take his hand, lifting myself up from the ground and dusting myself off.

"I took you back here after you got really drunk." I explain to him as I look around me.

"Can you describe how drunk I was?" He asks again.

I look back at him and sigh to myself, "Well. . . You were saying that you were the United Kingdom and other things like America leaving you and what you did wrong." I claim, "and if you wanted to know I didn't stay here because I wanted to. It was because you wanted me to say here. You said that you didn't want to be left alone again, so I stayed."

I then rub the back of my neck and look off to the side of Arthur's head, "If you want me to be truthfully honest, I don't think I've ever seen someone so drunk before." I add, "I mean, you were saying that you're a country. That's physically impossible."

I look back at Arthur to see that his face was bright red and his eyes practically piping out of his face.

"Arthur. . .? Are you okay? Your face is really, really red." I question him and place my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever.

He then grabs my wrist and pulls it away from his forehead, still keeping the same expression, "I'm fine." He simply states.

"No you're not. You have the face like you regret something." I tell him.

"Trust me, love. I'm fine." He reassures me.

"Okay. . . If you say so. . ." I say uneasily.

I then look away from Arthur, to the exit. I look back at Arthur to see him still in the same expression. I sigh and turn around to walk out of the dorm.

As I reach the door, I'm quickly spun around by Arthur so I'm fully facing him. I look up at him quickly and raise my eyebrow in confusion.


"I wanted to say thank you. You know. . . For what you did for me." He explains. He then lets go of me and takes a step, allowing me to open the door so I could leave.

"It's okay." I then turn back round and open the door.

I look back at Arthur and smile at him, "See you later, Arthur."



As I reach my dorm, I quietly open the door and slip inside, being careful not to wake up Louise if she was still sleeping.

As I close the door, I turn back round to only be startled by Louise. As I recover from the startle, I look back up to face Louise, only to see her with a slightly pissed off face and her arms crossed together.

I cough into my arm akwardly and look around anywhere but Louise. I then hear her cough and I look over to her slowly.

"How are you, French-Fryes." I greet uneasily.

She sighs and rubs her face with the palms of her hands, "How am I?!?! Last night I nearly got kidnapped, but got saved by super hot Francis, and then this morning, I find out there's no food in the fridge!" She tells me angrily, quickly saying the middle part, and huffing in annoyance, "do you know how heartbroken I was when I found out that there was no food in the fridge.

I look at her with a small smirk building on my face, "You got saved by a super hot Francis?" I question her, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Yes! Wait! Got dammit I wasn't supposed to say that." She comments to herself.

I smirk at her, but it slowly turned into a calm expression, "Don't worry, Louise. I had a really weird last night too. Arthur was acting really weird last night and this morning." I tell her, "if anything we experienced the same amount of weirdness."

She then sighs and looks away, only to look back at me with a sly smirk, "How was saying at Arthur's by the way?"

"Weird." I simply state, "really weird."

She looks at me and then looks away, making it look like she was in dreamland.

I laugh to myself and walk over to her, "Whats wrong French-Fryes? Upset over the fact you didn't have sex with Francis Bonnefoy?"

She quickly looks over to me and punches my shoulder in annoyance, "Shut up." She growls.

"Besides it not that, it's about the guy I met at the party, Oliver." She claims.

"He seemed so 'out of place'. I mean, Francis knew him. A guy like Oliver knowing a guy like Francis. It doesn't make sense." She says to me.

"How about we ask him tomorrow?" I say.

"I think it's best." She says.

"I need to know who this, Oliver, is. And why he wanted to 'kidnap' me."

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