Chapter Six

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I push past the multiple crowds of people, still looking for a certain someone before feeling someone grab onto my wrist quite harshly.

I spin around to face the person who grabbed my wrist and come face-to-face with a sinister grin. I look up to see a guy with pinkish-blond hair, bright blue eyes nearly matching Ludwig's, and he wore a dark pink vest with a bright pink undershirt and light brown trousers.

I stare at his eyes in silence before coughing awkwardly into my free hand, "Can you let go?"

His smile only gets brighter before letting go slowly and standing up straight, the smile still plastered on his face, "I'm Oliver. I been dying to meet you."

I still look at him uneasily, still creeped out at his presence and personality, "That's nice to know."

"Isn't it!" He cheers.

I continue to look at him uneasily and decide to turn and walk away without saying at goodbye.

"No, no, no, no. . . You can't go yet!" I'm then spun around to face Oliver as he then grabs onto my forearm, "Follow me, I have something to show you."

He then forcefully drags me through the crowds that I had previously pushed through and grips onto my forearm tighter. As he drags me through, I try to pull my arm free but stop as I feel my other arm being grabbed, "Bloodly hell! Can't you that I'm already in a-"

I slowly stop talking to see Francis holding onto my other arm. He looks down at me, giving me a reassuring smile, before looking up to glare up at Oliver.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be, Oliver ." He says through gritted teeth. I turn my head back to Oliver to see and feel him let go of my arm.

"I do now!" Oliver says cheerfully as he smiles brightly at both of us and walks away from us, "goodbye, Francis. May I see you again soon."

"Va te faire foutre Oliver!" Francis says loudly as he holds onto me tighter. He then pulls me outside and looks down at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yes. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I reply, "apart from the fact that I nearly got kidnapped. . ."

He still looks at me concerned, then looks around us, and then back to me, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm fine!" I claim.

"Who as that Francis?" I question him as we stand in silence.

"A person that I know." He merely replies with.

"You're friends with a really weird looking, psycho acting guy?" I question Francis again.

"Non. I only said that I know him, not that I'm friends with him." He retaliates.

"Right. . ." I then sigh and slowly back away from his grasp and look around me, "I think it's best if I go back to my dorm."

I then turn around and start to head back. I only make it half way down the hallway before being spun around. I look up quickly to see Francis again.

"Can I at least walk you back?" He asks me, grabbing a hold of my shoulders and shaking me a little bit.

"Why do you want to walk me back?" I ask.

He sighs and looks down at me with a smirk plastered on his face, "I don't want the belle femme to get hurt now would I."

I sigh and look at his face, "I don't know what you just called me but I'll let it pass, so, yeah. I guess you can walk me back."

Francis smiles at me and lets go of my shoulders and motions me to start walking. I slowly rub my shoulders and walk next to Francis as we both head back to my dorm.


We stop outside of my door and I turn to look at Francis to see a smile on his face. I look back at my door, then back to him, a small smile on my face, "Thanks Francis." 

"Pas de problème." He gives me a small and quick hug before walking away quickly.

"What the hell did he just say?" I mumble to myself, before shrugging my shoulders and walking into my dorm, closing the door behind me, "if I want to date him, really need to learn French." I mumble again.

"Elise! Are you here?!" I shout throughout the dorm, wondering if she left the party out of boredom.

I start to check every room to see if Elise was in but I couldn't see her.

I pull out my phone from my coat pocket and decide to text her.

Where are you?

At Arthur's


He got pissed drunk and I took him back to his dorm

Are you staying there for the night?

Think so. He said stuff about not being left alone again


It was a bit, he said stuff about America leaving him and questioning himself about what he did wrong. I think he drank a bit too much alcohol

At least yours isn't as bad as mine. I nearly got kidnapped

You what?!

Yeah, by some really weird looking psycho guy who kinda looked like Arthur

Okay, that's weird and scary

Yeah yeah whatever. Have fun at Arthur's

Yeah, bye


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