Chapter Twelve

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Louise's P.O.V

I sigh as I watch all nine of the nations poking their skin with the needles, drawing out a little bit of blood.

I quickly look over to Elise, wondering what she had told me earlier when she told me that I wouldn't lose Francis. I look at her face and look as she smiles at the nations.

I look away from Elise and back to the nations, watching as they turn back to their actual age, now wearing their uniforms.

Alfred wearing a military uniform with a bomber jacket over the top.

Matthew wearing a coat with fur around the hook. A pair of goggles laying on top of his head.

Francis wearing a blue cloak thing with red trousers.

Ludwig wearing a dark green military outfit with the Iron Cross tied round the collar.

Feliciano wearing a blue military outfit with a blue tie and blag dress shirt.

Kiku was wearing a white button up shirt type thing with white trousers.

Yao wearing an outfit similar to Feliciano's but more loose fitting and a green colour. Around his feet were white raps, similar to medical bandages.

Ivan was wearing a large, cream coloured coat with a long, white scarf rapped around his neck multiple times.

I then look back to Elise to see her walking up to Arthur, whispering in his ear, before taking the needle from his hand and walking over to me.

She then holds out a needle, waiting for me to take it.

"What are you doing?"

"Oui, mon amie, what are you doing?"

"Yeah dude."

I watch as Elise smirks and pushes her hand closer to me so I could take it.

"I still don't understand what you're doing." I state to her.

She rolls her eyes and forces my hand open, placing the needle on top, "you need to poke your finger with a needle." She states.

I raise an eyebrow at her, twisting the needle between my fingers, "What the hell are you an about?" I then point the needle at her, "Are you on drugs right now?"

She looks at me bewildered and shakes her head, "No! I'm not on drugs." She then groans in annoyance and rubs her face, "just poke your finger with the needle."

"But I'm not a country."

"Yeah dude, she's totally not a country, or capital."

She groans and looks up at me, "I want you to poke your finger because Arthur can turn you from a human to a capital." She explains, "This means you can go out with Francis without you passing away like a normal human would."

I stare at her shocked at her explanation and just blink at her in response. I then peer down at the needle and pierce the pointed edge into my skin. A small amount of blood flows down my finger, the colour changing from the red colour of blood, to the dark blue swirl that had surrounded the guys earlier.

As the swirl dissappear I look down at my body to see that I had changed ever so slightly. I had clearly aged slightly so I was 20 and I had clothes fit for whatever capital I was.

I then look at to Elise to see her smiling brightly, "Who am I?"

"You're Paris, Louise. You always will be now."

I look at her, mouth open, and look back down at the clothes I was now wearing.

Arms then surround my body, pulling me close to them. I then twist my head over to see Francis smiling down on me.

"I cannot believe that thus is real." He exclaims, pulling me even closer.

I look away from Francis and back to Elise, watching as she pokes her skin with the needle, and the red turning into the dark blue.

The same thing that had happened to me, was happening to Elise. The blue swirl surrounding her, before disappearing completely. Elise looks at herself briefly before smiling over at Arthur.

"Hello London."

She laughs and walks over to him, "I can't believe this actually worked."

Arthur smiles and raps his arm around her waist, "So am I, Love."

Elise then looks away from Arthur, and back to the rest of us smiling brightly.

"To a new life!"

? P.O.V

"To a new life!"

"Jesus. How Shitty does the Doll-Face have to be?"

"Language Allen!"

"Shut up old man."

"You too Matt."

"Why the hell are we doing this?"

"Because, François, the two girls are important to our plan in killing the 1p's."

"That it? We're basing all of our work on killing the 1p's with two shitty Doll-Face's."

"Allen I will unleash the Swear Jar if you stop with the language."

"You brought the Swear Jar?"

"Of course I did!"

"When doesn't he bring the Swear Jar?"

"Shut up."

"We need to go."

"What! Why?!"

"Because I'm bored and out of cigarettes."

"Fine. . . Let's go."

"You're new life won't last long, Poppet's."

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