Chapter Five

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Elise's P.O.V

"I don't think I'll ever see what you see in Francis." I state as I watch her mess up her hair style for the party three times already.

She huffs in response and turns to look at me, turning her attention away from the mirror, "Shut up. I can say the same for you and Arthur."

"Yeah, but he's British. Francis is French. You know the type of person who would eat frogs legs and snails. At hurry is the type of person who would eat more normal food." I explain to her.

"Well at least you know I'm not normal." She comments, her attention now back to the mirror.

"I figured that out the very moment I found out what you read on the Internet, French-Fryes." I retort.

"Shut up you wanker." She mumbles, but loud and for me to hear.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever let's go already. We need to go or else a drunk Francis won't be able to have sex with you." I say and I walk out of the room.

"Hey! I do not want to have sex with him!. . . Yet. . ."

I laugh at her comment and walk outside the dorm, heading towards the party.


"Why did we agree to go to this party?" Louise asks as we walk to Alfred's dorm.

"Because we're nice people." I state.

"What?! When are you ever nice?" She questions.

"When people aren't idiots." I claim.

As we reach the dorm, loud music could already be heard blasting out of it. I then knock on Alfred's dorm door, only to reveal and already drunk Alfred.

"Yo, dudes! Your finally hear!" He shout loudly at us, even though we were at talking distance.

"Yeah. . . We're here. . . Sadly." Louise mumbles but loud enough for someone to hear.

"Dudes come in!" Alfred the moves out if the way, allowing us to go inside.

As we both step inside, all we're greeted with is loud music, practically the whole university, and the smell of alcohol in the air.

"Well catch you later, Elise. I need to go find someone." Louise then pats my shoulder and walks off into the crowd of dancing people.

"Have fun." I call out to her.

I then sigh and look around the dorm, looking past all the drunk people, finally noticing Matthew in the cornered of the room. I slowly make my way over and stand next to him.

"Hi Matthew!" I shout over the music.

He looks over to me and simply waves at me, but wearing a bright smile on his face.

"Are you having fun?!" I shout again so he can hear me.

He merely nods his head and takes a small sip out of his beer bottle.

"Hey! Matthew! Have you see-"



I quickly turn around, no longer facing Matthew, but facing a pissed out drunk Arthur dancing on a table.

"Oh my God. What the hell am I watching right now?" I mumble and question myself.

I say, more like shout, a goodbye to Matthew and slowly make my way over to the table that Arthur was dancing on.

As I finally make my way past the crowds of people, I'm faced with a dancing Arthur, a drunk Ludwig, and a fearful Feliciano, who hid under the table that Arthur was dancing on.

"What the hell happened here?!" I shout to them all.

"ALCOHOL! THAT WHAT!" Arthur shouts to me, still dancing on the table.

"A bit too much though." I mumble to myself.

I then get up the table, only to immediately dodge Arthur's flailing arms.

"Arthur! I think it's best if you stop drinking!"

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm United bloody Kingdom and I can hold my locker better than you any day!" He shouts at me.

"You're What?" I shout to him, confused at what he just said.

"What do you mean your 'United bloody Kingdom'? You can't be a country!" I state to him.

Not even waiting for an answer, I pull him down from the table and slowly walk out of the party.

"I think it's best if you go back to your own dorm." I say to him, even if he won't understand me.

We then both slowly make it back to his dorm. As we reach the door, I only realise that I won't have the key.

I then look over to Arthur to ask him, "Arthur, I need the key."

He then says words of jibberish and rummages around in his pocket, before handing me the key.

"Thank you."

I then open the door and drag Arthur over to the sofa. I slowly rest him on his side and then walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

As I make my way back, I hear Arthur mumble words loud enough for he to hear.

"Why did America leave me. . . What did I do wrong. . ."

"I wish I never became his brother, that bloody idiot."

I raise an eyebrow at his words and sit down next to him.

I hold out the glass of water and he grabs it and takes a small sip from it. He pass it back to me and I place it down on the floor, next to the sofa.

I slowly get back up, ready to leave, only to be pulled down again.

"Don't leave me. . ."

"I don't want to be left alone again. . ."

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