Chapter Four

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Louise's P.O.V

"You know, I'm gonna call you 'French-Fryes' from now on." I hear Elise say.

"You're What?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"I'm going to call you 'French-Fryes' from now on because a) you love that new French guy, Francis, and b) your last name is Frye sooo. . . Yeah." She explains.

"Okay. You do whatever." I say and return my attention back to my phone.

"Although I will admit, that Arthur guy is kinda hot too, and has a hot accent." She states.

"Precisely. Now you know why I said that Francis voice was hot." I say, "and the fact that he's French."

"Okay, okay fine." She agrees, "at least I don't make it the most obvious thing in the entire bloody world."

"Hey! I do not!" I retaliate.

"Lies aren't good for you, French-Fryes. I see you stare at the back of Francis' head whenever we have lessons with him." She comments.

"You might as well wear a massive sign saying 'I'm in love with Francis Bonnefoy.' Either that or just go up to him and tell him." She adds.

"Oh shut up, Elise." I say.

"Wait a minute, if you love Arthur, why the hell don't you do the exact same thing as me?" I question to her.

"Because I can actually hide it. Compared to you I'm a lot better then you at a lot of things." She explains.

"I hate you." I mumble.

"No you don't. Now let's go, don't really fancy getting shouted at a teacher again just because we walk into a lesson that in the middle of doing something." Elise says, patting my shoulder as she walks past me to put her shoes on.

"Yeah, yeah. Coming." I say.


"Jesus Christ. . . I just want to kill that teacher. She just never shuts up." Elise complains.

"It wasn't that bad." I say.

"Oh shut up. Francis is in our bloody class. Of course you enjoyed it." She retaliates.

"My God! I just want to go back and drink tea and read." She adds.

"Would you like some crumpets with that really too?" I mock.

"Shut up, French-Fryes. Just because I like tea and you don't doesn't mean that you need to joke about it." She says, "there is also the fact that you just mocked your own nationality."

"Whatever, let just go back. I can't stand to be in hell hole any longer." I say as I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Hey! Dudes!"

I turn around at the sound of the voice, to see Alfred running towards us, with Arthur, Francis and Matthew right behind him.

"You git." Arthur breaths out.

"Oui. You made us run."Francis agrees with Arthur.

"Yes, it was very tiring." Matthew said quietly.

'God, why the hell does the French accent have to be so hot.'

"Hello? Earth to Louise? French-Fryes are you okay?"


"Yeah. . . It's the new nickname I gave her."

"Dude, that so weird."

"Yeah and so is your accent Alfred."

I then feel a sudden sting on my right cheek and I snap out of my sudden dreaming and rest my hand on my cheek.

"Hey?! Who did that?" I question, still surprised at the sudden hit.

"I did. I needed you to get out of dream land." Elise admits.

"Well you didn't need to slap me." I say, still keeping my hand on my cheek.

"Yes I did." She says, "so what did you need to tell us?"

I then look at the four guys, my hand still on my cheek, waiting for an answer.

"Well dudes, I'm holding a party and I want you to come." Alfred explains loudly, making a few people look at us.

"Sure, I'll go." Elise says.

"I would, but. . ." I begin to say, but trail off.

"But what, French-Fryes?" Elise asks.

"You know. . . I don't like them." I say slowly.

"I'm not going without you." She states.

"Well you have to." I say.

"You are going with me or I tell them about your love interest." She threatens.

"Love interest? What love interest?" Arthur asks us both.

"I am too confused, mon amie." Francis admits to us.

"It's. . . Nothing. . . Nothing at all. Don't worry we'll both go, don't worry about it." I say quickly.

"Come on, Elise, we need to go get ready." I say through gritted teeth.

I see a smirk build on her face as she looks away from me, "What time?"

"Six." Matthew finally pipes up.

"Cool. See you then."

We then say our goodbyes and walk off back to our dorm.


Just as we enter our dorm, I punch Elise in the arm and look at her with a pissed face.

"Why so angry French-Fryes?" She asks.

"You know why you wanker." I say, pissed.

"What scared of a tiny little secret?" She then smirks again and sits on a sofa.

"You know I can just tell who you love, right?" I state.

"Of course I do. But if you do that, I will tell them yours." She explains.

"God dammit." I mumble.

"Besides, let's just get ready, we have a party to go to." She says as she then ponders off to her room.

"Don't you feel like some weird things are gonna happen?" I question.

"What do you want to happen? A drunk Francis having bloody sex with you?" She asks.

"No. . . Maybe. . . Yes. . ."

"Jesus Christ. He is literally like your personal drug. You keep losing your mind whenever your near him."

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